Best Last Epoch Class: Every Class and Mastery Ranked Worst to Best (2024)


Here's a look at each class in Last Epoch and which ones may be best for you.

Whether you’re looking for a Diablo 4 alternative or just your next ARPG addiction, Last Epoch‘s version 1.0 update has finally been released following the game’s successful Early Access run. While many of those who want to try Last Epoch for themselves are currently battling some server issues, anyone who does manage to hop into the experience will soon find themselves forced to choose between seemingly equally compelling class options.

So far as that goes, I will say now (and throughout this article) that Last Epoch is a very well-balanced ARPG that offers an array of exciting and balanced class options. Picking a class in this game really is about picking the best class for you rather than a strict best class in the game.

As is typically the case in this genre, though, some classes in Last Epoch are already standing at least slightly above the others. That being the case, let’s take a better look at each class in the game and how they ultimately compare to one another.

Every Class and Mastery in Last Epoch

In Last Epoch, a “Class” is a broad categorization that is then broken down into three “Mastery” options (subclasses, effectively). While there are so many ways to potentially build each Class and Mastery combo, here’s a brief rundown of what you can essentially expect from all of them:


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Mastery Options: Lich, Warlock, and Necromancer

A spellcaster class, Acolytes typically rely on darker forms of magic that include the ability to summon various types of allies and sacrifice life-giving resources for bursts of power.

Lich Acolytes typically emphasize sacrificing HP and managing various status ailments. Though that’s a risky style of play, their ability to steal life from enemies and utilize protective spells offer them additional ways to stay alive when things get tough. They can also transform into a Reaper whose devastating cleave attacks can easily tear through groups of enemies.

Necromancers are your classic summoners. Though they are not quite as reliant on their armies of summoned creatures as other versions of this concept are in other RPGs, the bulk of their damage and survivability is based on the strength of their minions. Thankfully, you’ll have plenty of ways to buff and build those minions as you progress.

Warlocks are more of a pure spellcasting option. They have access to a variety of dark magical abilities, many of which curse the target in some way and deal damage to them over time while weakening them with afflictions. They lack some of the more defined gimmicks the other Acolyte Mastery options have access to, but they are powerful casters who can effectively deal with nearly any challenge in the game.


Mastery Options: Runemaster, Spellblade, Sorcerer


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As you may suspect, Mages are masters of magic capable of utilizing spells from a variety of schools to deal incredible ranged damage. However, they’re so much more than simple spell-slingers

For instance, Runemaster Mages are capable of combining abilities to craft powerful new invocations. When utilized in the proper order, those invocations can make some pretty wild things happen. It’s a complicated class, but creative players capable of mastering complex combos can turn them into absolute powerhouses.

Spellblade Mages are defined by their ability to imbue melee weapons with various forms of magic. They are also capable of unleashing a devastating attack that will melt through most enemies in relatively close range. Despite their overall emphasis on close-range attacks, though, they can still unleash the occasional volley of magic missiles from their enhanced weapons.

As for Sorcerers…ok, they’re closer to your standard spell-slinging mages. However, they have access to the widest array of spell schools of all the Mage Mastery options, which means that they can easily adapt to a variety of situations with both AoE abilities and devastating ranged attacks.


Mastery Options: Druid, Beastmaster, Shaman

Primalists draw from the power of nature to utilize an array of abilities. Not only are many of their attacks and skills fairly unique compared to other classes, but they also have access to a nearly unrivaled range of abilities that include viable melee, summoning, and spellcasting options.


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Druids are probably the marquee Mastery of the Primalist class. These classic shapeshifters rely on their transformation abilities to assume new forms that can use powers that range from powerful melee strikes to devastating spells. While you can focus on one form at a time, a good Druid will regularly change their form to effectively utilize all of their available abilities.

Beastmasters, meanwhile, are capable of summoning armies of creatures to their side who will fight many battles for them. They are effectively Necromancers of nature who are also capable of accessing some powerful spells from time to time.

Shamans are a bit of a hybrid between those concepts. They can summon “companions” in the form of totems, but they tend to rely at least as much on their various spells to deal much of their damage. Strategic placements and upgrades of those totems can greatly increase their power levels, but their overall power almost is heavily dependent on their use of Nature Magic.


Mastery Options: Falconer, Marksman, Blademaster

When you hear “Rogue” in an RPG, you probably think of stealthy assassins who utilize an arsenal of creative weapons to tactically eliminate targets. Last Epoch certainly doesn’t betray the spirit of that class, but it does offer a few fascinating variations on that classic archetype.

The most intriguing of those variations is the Falconer. This is a pet class, but unlike other pet classes, it relies on only one type of pet (the falcon, naturally). That falcon is not only capable of attacking and distracting foes, but it can provide valuable buffs to the player. It’s a slightly more nuanced alternative to the “summon them and forget them” pet classes in other titles.


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Marksman is the Mastery of choice for Rogue players who prefer to utilize a bow and arrow. Crucially, Marksman Rogues have access to an impressive collection of arrows that allow them to adapt to specific situations (such as explosive arrows for AoE attacks). Those arrows make them closer to a spellcaster than you may think.

Blademasters are a melee Mastery option that typically relies on stick-and-move tactics. While they are not nearly as sturdy or outright powerful as other melee Mastery options, their ability to quickly weave in and out of a fight lets them do incredible bursts of damage while staying out of typical melee danger zones.


Mastery Options: Paladin, Forge Guard, Void Knight

Perhaps the most mysterious class at the outset of the game, Sentinels may be referred to as Warriors in other RPGs. They are masters of melee who also happen to offer so much more than a big sword and shield to match (though they certainly bring both to the party).

For instance, Void Knights are perhaps best thought of as a Warlock variant of the classic “Spellsword” archetype. They utilize magic and melee in relatively equal measure, and their powerful Void abilities allow them to control the battlefield, unleash AoE attacks, and generally cause chaos wherever they may roam.

Paladins offer the opposite in many basic ways (they’re warriors of Light rather than warriors of the Void), but they too offer a blend of magic and melee. When playing a Paladin, though, you will often be asked to manage a series of support skills as well as direct damage and defensive abilities. Those skills not only buff your character but can often support your allies as well. This makes Paladins especially valuable in multiplayer parties.

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Forge Guards are the closest this game comes offering a more classic Barbarian/Warrior archetype. While that means they are defensive powerhouses who can unleash furious melee blows, they are also capable of summoning and utilizing various pieces of magical weaponry and armor. It’s that ability that adds a nice little bit of complexity and versatility to what may otherwise be a simpler melee option.

What is the Best Class In Last Epoch?

Truth be told, Last Epoch offers some of the best class balancing I’ve seen in an ARPG in quite some time. It’s not perfect (it never is), but this game excels at making each Class and Mastery option unique, enjoyable, and surprisingly equal in terms of their overall capabilities.I highly recommend experimenting with all of your options if you have the time to do so.

However, Acolyte would probably have to be considered the most powerful overall class in Last Epoch at this time. They have access to two of the most obviously powerful Mastery options at the moment (Lich and Necromancers), and Warlocks are honestly shaping up to be an even more powerful Mastery option in their earliest days. If you’re concerned about pure power, they may be the best class to start with.

Mages are probably the next most appealing overall class option on the same terms. They’re incredibly versatile and the top-end power level of their best Mastery options is often absurd. Runemasters, in particular, are certainly realizing their potential at the moment.

Rogues aren’t far behind, though. Even their worst Mastery option (Marksman) has a home in the game. Meanwhile, Falconers and Bladedancers offer appealing late-game options as well as notable early-game leveling potential.They can be a little more complex at times, but that complexity keeps them fresh and powerful.

Primalists are an enigma. Home to arguably the best Mastery in Last Epoch (Druid) and arguably the worst (Shaman), they are a class that some may struggle to learn to love unless they’re committed to a certain style of play. So far as that goes, though, their potential is undeniable.


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Sentinels are in a similar (but ultimately slightly worse) position. Highlighted by the powerful Paladin Mastery, they can be slightly limited at times by their simpler, though accessible, forms of play. Anecdotally, they seem to be the class that more people bounce off of at the moment by the time they get to the middle parts of the game.

Of course, when we talk about classes in Last Epoch, we’re really talking about Mastery options. That being the case, here’s every currently available Mastery in Last Epoch ranked worst to best:

15. Shaman

14. Forge Guard

13. Sorcerer

12. Marksman


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11. Void Knight

10. Beastmaster

9. Spellblade

8. Bladedancer

7. Falconer

6. Necromancer


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5. Warlock

4. Paladin

3. Runemaster

2. Lich

1. Druid

Those rankings are primarily based on each Mastery’s endgame power potential, though their positions account for their leveling viability and usefulness in a group. Furthermore, each group of five Masteries exists in its own tier, with Druid, Lich, Runemaster, Paladin, and Warlock occupying the top tier at the moment.


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If you’re looking to hop right into the action, then Paladins, Falconers, and Runemasters would probably have to be considered some of the best leveling builds in the game at the moment that are also relatively beginner-friendly. Generally speaking, though, Void Knights, Sorcerers, and Beastmasters are some of the only classes that suffer from notable leveling struggles in terms of their power and complexity, so most options are on the table for you if that is your main concern.

Again, though, there are so many ways to build your character in Last Epoch that I really wouldn’t concern yourself too much with picking the “best” class. Unless you’re obsessed with optimizing the toughest endgame content, you will be able to enjoy all of this game’s challenges with most Classes, Masteries, and Builds. The one thing that is nearly impossible to account for in ranking such as this is the “entertainment factor,” and that may be the most important factor at the moment when it comes to picking a class.


Best Last Epoch Class: Every Class and Mastery Ranked Worst to Best (2024)


What is the best class and mastery in the Last Epoch? ›

The Paladin is the best of the three, as it can pretty much do everything to a decent standard: direct DPS, AoE attacks, support, and heal. It's especially useful when playing with friends. The Void Knight mastery is a little more complex to play, but you do get much better movement and AoE attacks than the Paladin.

What is the best class to pick in the Last Epoch? ›

S-tier Mastery Classes
  • Falconer. The Falconer's signature pet has enormous base damage. ...
  • Warlock. Warlock's power comes from two excellent signature skills. ...
  • Runemaster. ...
  • Paladin. ...
  • Necromancer. ...
  • Void Knight. ...
  • Lich. ...
  • Marskman and Bladedancer.
Mar 28, 2024

What is the strongest character in the Last Epoch? ›

The Last Epoch Falconer is at the top of this Last Epoch tier list thanks to its high versatility and sheer damage potential. You can build the Falconer in many different ways, ranging from a Falcon-focused playstyle with Dive Bomb attacks to a more calculated playstyle with Smoke Bomb evasion and Ballista placements.

What is the strongest build in the Last Epoch? ›

The Echo Warpath Void Knight build has high damage potential and high mobility, making it one of the best builds for farming and clearing content. This build is easy to play for new players because of the simple skill requirements.

What gives the most mastery rank? ›

To increase Mastery Rank, a player must earn Mastery Points through the following methods: Ranking Weapons, Kitgun Chambers, Zaw Strikes, Amp Prisms, Sentinel weapons, and Archwing weapons will earn 100 mastery points for each rank gained up to Rank 30 for a total of 3,000.

Can you fully respec in the Last Epoch? ›

There are dozens of different skill trees you can access in Last Epoch, but you're not stuck with the choices you make. No matter what class you're using or how far along you are in the game, you're able to fully respec both your Mastery and Skill Points in Last Epoch.

What is the most popular class in the Last Epoch 2024? ›

Mage seems like it is the most popular class regardless of power. Despite nerfs, the Runemaster still feels like it outperforms the other mage specializations due to the build diversity and synergy with how Runic Invocation works which allows it to keep up with Sentinel and Primalist.

How rare is Omnis Last Epoch? ›

2. Drop rate is about 10%, kill 10 oroboros, omni drops once. 3. Omni has high roll variety, a chance of dropping omni with semi decent stats rolls on it, is about 20%, one out of five will be alright, if you want a good one it is one out of 15-20.

How do you make a legendary Last Epoch? ›

A Unique Item with Legendary Potential means you can spend resources and time running through the Temporal Sanctum Dungeon to mold a Unique into a Legendary Item. How this works is the Unique Item merges with an Exalted Item, but with additional affixes from the Exalted, to become Legendary.

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The Warlock mastery takes the top spot as the strongest class in Last Epoch for high corruption builds.

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The Endless Arena

Enemies and waves will continue to spawn until you die. A single boss enemy will appear at wave 90, instead of wave 40 like the normal Arena.

What is the best weapon for a druid in the Last Epoch? ›

Using a staff is often the best choice here, due to having the highest amount of base Spell Damage. All the skills typically used in a Spriggan build scale with Attunement and Spell Damage, so these stats should be prioritized.

Does mastery matter in the Last Epoch? ›

And with Last Epoch's Mastery specialization system for each of its classes, knowing what you want to play before you boot up the game is crucial. In this Last Epoch guide, we've outlined a summary of all classes and Masteries.

What is the best leveling class season of mastery? ›

Mages are the No. 1 class for gold farming as they can pull a lot of mobs, knock them down, and use the line of sight strategies to avoid caster mobs. 2. Paladins have huge potential in Season of Mastery, as they might become the new boosting meta.

Can you change your mastery class in Last Epoch? ›

Unfortunately, Last Epoch doesn't have a game system that allows you to change your Mastery after you've decided on one. So, once you've settled on a specialized archetype and realize you don't quite like it, you're better off starting fresh with an entirely new character.

What is the max specialization in Last Epoch? ›

Skill Specialization Slots are unlocked as your character levels up, to a maximum of 5 (to match how many skills can be equipped on the Action Bar). Upon unlocking a Skill Specialization Slot, you can choose to Specialize in a skill that your character currently knows.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.