Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

ATe 4 SECOND SECTION THE MARION CHRONICLE SECOND SECTION -ten FIRST AND -AS USUAL MARION, INDIANA, CHRONICLE, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 26, 1952 FIRST AND BEST- AS USUAL 4 Mississinewa To Tangle With Winless Airedales On Gridiron on At Gas City Mississinewa will play host to winless Hartford City: a member of the Central Indiana Conference, in high school football engagement at 7:30 p.m. today at the Tribe athletic held In Gas City. It will he second start of the campaign for the Indians against a CIC antagonist, The Tribesmen will be after their second consecutive win and their third In four. 1952 appearances, In 1 earlier clashes this season, the Indians stopped Bluffton, 31-7, and 25-7.

and lost 72-0 durl to Alexandria. The latter school, like Hartford City, is a CIC member. -A Hartford City, on the other hand, has Leen able to score only once in towing to three straight loup opponents. The Airedales have been deleated, in order, by Elwood, 146; 1 Huntington, 28-0, and Peru, 13-0. In view of the stiffer calibre of the Airedale football slate.

however, the figure to have their bands full tonight. The Tribesmen have been sent througb several lentby practices this neck. but finlahed pre-game work with a brief session at their own athletic field Thursday. Much of the Thursday drill was devoted to running plays against the type of defense which Airedale eleven probably hi win employ tonight. Generally, the Indians are in fair physical shape for the struggle, although three performers are nursing Injuries, Halfback Wayne I Sapp, game, still who is sat out bobbled the with an Hagerstown ankle College Football Season Moves Into High Gear Tonight NEW YORK -College football swings into fut stride tonight and Saturday from coast to coast with every major team in the country scheduled to get into action.

Michigan State, the No. 1 team In the Associated P'ress poll, opens with Michigan. The Spartans, who won't count in the Big 10 standings until next year, rule a two- touchdown tavorite over the sophom*ore-laden Wolverines. Tonight's action also la heavy with some Intersectional tussles. Southern California, which has pretensions toward the Pacific Coast Conference title, entertains Northwestern of the Big 10-al most like Rose Bowl game.

California and Illinois, favorites in their conferences, appear to have easy tasks. l'appy Waldorf's Golden Bears are prohibitive vorites to trounce Missouri and linols From meets an lown audience State. standpoint. the big one will bring together pair of old Ivy Leakuc rivalsPrinceton and Columbia -in New York. The game will be televised throughout the country except possibly in Philadelphia which may show the Penn Notre Daine fray.

Princeton, which owns the long. est winnihz streak among the jor colleges-22 kames- will be 1 the choice. Texas and Kansas will be out to prove their opening of last week over Loulsians State and Texas Christian, respectively, were no Nukes. The Longhorns meet North Carolina and Kansas tackles Santa Clara. Texas Christian, the defending champion and favorite in the Southwest Conference, will be test ed against UCLA.

Kansas' victory over TCU was surprise and if the Jayhawks kk again, they might make It fight with Oklahoma for the Big Sooners Seven play the championship. of The University orado, Maryland, voted the No. 2 team before the season started, won win over Missouri last They will he out to re Rain their Host prestige a Auburn. Georgia Tech, probably the best team In the South, warms up against Florida. Tennessec, which finished top heap las year plays Mississippi State.

Other major games Include: To night Southern Methodist Duke. Saturday Alabama v3. LSU, Army vs. South Carolina, Georgla vs. Tulane.

Holy Cross Dart Navy va. Yale kind Ohio State mouth, Kentucky vs. Mississippi, Indima. Joe Says Ask your dealer or mechanic for the bestWillard Batteries Fram Oil Filters Sealed Power Piston Rings Thompson Motor Parts For Winter Protection Get DUPONT ZERONE freeze rallon DUPONT ZEREX Antifreeze Permanent 0 ralion $3.75 The CHALLENGE Co. DISTRIBUTORS AUTO SUPPLIES 215 South Adams St.

Opposite Police Station SUN. AFTERNOON Stock Car Racing Begins SUNDAY SEPT. 28 WITH 9 CHAMPIONSHIP STOCK CAR EVENTS AND DESTRUCTION DERBY Gates Open at Noon Time Trials 1:40 I KOKOMO SPEEDWAY Inju Injury-Riddled Giants, Berries Clash Tonight At Logansport ort 1 Injury: End Larry Redden has bruised chest, Tackle Norman Wright. a freshman, has a let inJury. Wright was a surprise start er on offense last Friday.

Hedden is expected to te in the starting lineup. but the other two may see only limited action. Except for Wright, Coach Jira a Stone plans to start the same ridders who were in at the kickoff against Hagerstown. One new face may apprar for the Indians tonight in the person of junior, Wilbur Webb, who likely will be a relicter at either an end position or in the backfield. Webb has bien sidelined with broken arm.

a night Hartford with a CIty lincup will to en urely of lettermen, althouch only three were regulars on the 1951 squad. The forward will find Ronnie Winder and Ralph Mic Donald at ends: Bob Hines and Bob Jones, tackles: Dan Parks and Joc Brown, guards, and George Cline. center. Jones, 201-pounder, By Is the birzest Airedale lineman. In the backfield, Dick Tucker will be at quarterback, and Henry Yencer at halfbacks and Ray Dodds at fullback.

Of the startcrs, only' Dudds, Yencer and Wright played regularly on the 1951 dale team. Wright, raary 198-pounder, us ually shoulders the offensive burden for liartford, although Dudds, a ho bits 192, also is a dangerous runner. Tucker or his' relieter, Jerty Davis, handle the passing from the quarterback slot. the Alre dales usually rely ,00 to gain yardage. Despite the presence of 11' let termen, nine of whom are seniors.

the Hartford City John Carbone, views this as a "building Aside from shooting for their third triumph of the campaign, the Indians will be out to avenge a defeat Inflicted by Hartford City in thetr 1931 meeting. The Atredales beat the Tribe, 12-6, last season. TRIBE RUNNERS MEET WABASHI GAS CITY, Ind. Mississinewa harriers will resume actino with high school cross-country meet against Wabash at the latter's course tonight It will be the fourth start of the 1952 season for the tacen halves the Central IndiThe meet win be run cit beana Conference foutball came to tween Wabash and Elwond. Tribe thiniles have been idle since bowing to Kokomo, 22-30, in a home match a week ago.

Earlier. Missi sinewa had scored victory over Grant County Jefferson Township, and lost to Muncie Central. Bob Brodt was the first Indian harrier home in the mect with Ko komo here a week ago, Anishing second. Audley Cragun was fourth. BASEBALL STANDINGS LEAGUE hesterday's Resusu New York Boston 1.

Louis Cincinnati Only scheduled Today go at 81. Louts Staley Cincinnati Die Jordan 10-1) or Perkowaxi ton (13-53) Philadelphia at New York Meyer New York St. Louis Philadelphia Chicago Cincinnati Boston AMERICAN I AGUE New York 1 Boston 1. Detroit 1 St Louis Only Games Tada Ten Byrd Philadelphia Louts at Chicaro -Pa'ce (12-9) Rocovia 013-1). Washington at Boston Porterheld or Shea freeman 10-0).

Only rames tuled. New York Cleveland Chicato Philadelphia Washington Boston Louts Detroit SOFTBALL EXHIBITION The World Famous THE KING AND HIS COURT EMGE PACKERS MEMORIAL FIELD Anderson, Ind. Sunday, Oct. 5 2 P.M. Ticket at HMI's Dept, Store Admission $1.00.

Tax Inc. Marion rad Logansport, bobbled with infurles to key formers, Conference will class high in schmi North skin, encounter at p.m. today the latter' stadium. The Clanu wi be seeking to even their 1953 record and, at the time. their first circuit triumph.

The duel will be the 1952 opener for the Berries, bo bave dropped three straight decisions to outside rivals. Although expected to te. a power in Hoosier been whipped to Logansport War circles this faD, bash, 20-7: Peru, 2-2, and West Lafayette, 31. Marion, mrantime. has to the well three Umes and has drink 4o show for its 7-0 victory over FL Wayne Cere tral.

The Giants bowed to Hun130. La their 1953 inaugural and fell to an old rival, Kokomo, by 32-7 count in their first conference start last Friday, Circ*mstances force Clant mentor. Mic to lead off urely derald of lettermen. Herbad only two st the start of the pain and brith now are out the season with injuries. Catt Bud Thomas broke bone in his ankle a cairn FL.

Wilyne Central and Jim Husted chipped in his ankle against last Friday, Jim Millet Joe probably plug right end C. tonight, Thomas Either will mart for Husted at center. The remainder of the Giant squad la exported to be in fair share for the clash, Cuard Ted Beck still is from a shoulder. Other than the two chances dictated by the Is of Them and Busted, Byelene plans to ers string used along last with Friday. the same start After suf! workout Wednesday.

the Giants wound up preparations for the tussle brief prac tice at Matter Park Thursdry. Yanks Can Clinch Flag With Win Over Philadelphia A's Tonight By OLLOW Press Sparta Writer This is far day for ise Ner York Yankers, victory the Philadelpala tonight would Casey Stracel's men their straight American League feat la major league accomplished by joe Why's Craw's Yanks and John Giants the roaring National League To try to earn the ricat to meet the Brooklyn Dodgers in the World Sertes, Stengel will send southpaw Eddie Lopst against young Harry Byrd of the A's. Lopat has bia last dive starts for 103 rerord. Byrd, beaten 10 by the Yanks last Sap day. carried 15 I mart Into the came.

The runner up Cleveland dians are idle until they open two game series la Detroit Trailing by the Trite cad only for complete collapse by champioca and two themselves over the Tigers. Such an outcome would throw the rice de La and force one came play to Cleveland Monday. Alle Reynolds, strong armed LINE UP FOR TICKETS Faithful fans of the National League champions -the Brooklyn Dodger line up by the hundreds outside of Ebbets Field in Brooklyn to purchase World Series tickets. Series tickets are on sale to the general public of four different locations throughout the city of New York. NEA.J Kentucky Taylor Eleven To Try Kentucky Gridders In Contest Saturday UPLAND, Universty's Trojans, having teen to the Ohio and Indiana brands of deriate football In previous tames, will try a third type la clash at Georgetown.

College I Saturday. The Trojans. smarting from shut. out defeats at the hands of bold Blutton, Col-ge and Indiana Central, win take on the George town outfit In in traces at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the latter's gridiron, It will be Abe Orrt meeting in history between the two Institutions.

The Taylor squad, numbering some: 30 cridders, will leave from Upland at 7 Saturday and is scheduled to arrive at Georgetown around The team billeted to a hotel there until rame ume. Taylor footballers have been sent through stiff practice bere this week as Coach Don Odie and his assistant, Doo Graaitz, worked to tron out mistakes which cropped up in the 130 defeat inflicted Indians Central in their Hooster Coliere Saturday. Taylor Confereace earlier brut bad here last to the Bluffton combination, Coming ta for attention was pass defense. a weakness of Od'e. Taylor's how in the two carter of the drills mer, devoted part to fundamentals work on cliensive patterns from the Although the Trojan squad sea- erally la in rood physical for the interstate engagement, two regulars are sidelined 1th late ries.

Dwight Conrad, regular ofbrokea tensive leg is suffered Inst in because of i a the opener at Bluffion. la addition, Quarter back Don Jacobson has an injured knee and win ace only limited sotioo, if that. Jacobson, also burt la the corner at was in for only a single a against Indiana Central last Saturday and has not engaged in any practices this week. Mel Say. $5 freshman from Grand Rapids, is expected to get the call at quarterback in place of Jacobson.

Harvey Hernandez, veteran do fensive back, also has been used at the in Uce this seek and may sneh Shy. Say will be Nanked in the Taylor backfield by Doo Callan and Don McFarland at halfbacks and chunky Darwin Nutt at fullback. The Taylor forward wall win in elude Norm Holmskor and Walt Waavig at ends, Rex Gearbart and Nelson Lina at tackles, Capt. Paul Scott and Den McClusty guards and Gordon Hanson at cere ter. Also capected to action Inthe Taylor backfield Dave Wheeler, sho twice rot away 00 look runs against Indiana Cratral last Saturday.

Wheeler, who probe ably will spell either Callan or Farland at halfback slot, turned for distances of land 57 yards in the latter contest, SPORTS ROUNDUP By GATLE. TAI BOT NEW YORK -Television fans burned over the refusal of the try trust to let them witness the Marciano- Walcott humdinger may be consoled by choice af cames on their screens Saturday Many undoubtedly were unde1 the impression that the Columbia Princeton contest was to be the poly thing going on a national baCBS says that it plans to pret well blanket the country with bet tea the Cher Point and Quantico Marines, CBS has in to trircast a service came tach Sat. urday from now through Nov. 29. and is of the opinion that it show brand of football second none.

the various brmches of the armed forces being loaded with former college and professional runts, Tale one team, San Diego val Training Center. Out of squad of 52 players, the Blue Jackets are fielding 47 former collere players, including nine who earned salaries in the Professioo al Learve. la a charity came the Tars outrained the Angeles Rams, last year's profes sional champions, beaten 10 to 0. Jim Weatherad, Ok la boma's great tackle, is laytot 'em out for the Quantico Tao other tackle standouts last year, Doc Coleman of Michigan State and BIN Pearman Tennessee. performing for Fort Lee and Fort Belvolr, respectively.

AI Dorow, State halfback of the attack of Balling Field, an outstanding Airforce team. Elmer Wingate, former Maryland us Iright hander, assured the a tie Thursday with a 32 icu quest of the Boston Rad Sax, Hal Newhouser, to the twill of Ms stint with the De troit Tigers, pitched 32 urtum the St. Louts Browns, the of his maine lea rue career. Rey noids drove in the Yanks' winning run with ninth stacie to rack up As wits of the Only fans smallest crowd la Brices Stadum's bistory the old Newhouser strike out right, walk only one and cire up hits. Oaly active pitchers Blob Feller and New have miso 200 rames.

The New York Ciants second place to the National League with a two run ninth inning rally that brought 12 victory aver the Tias ton Arne. Rookie catcher Ray Katt singied home the decisive run, The St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Cincinnati 4 Billy Johnson's double and Solly lemus' single accounted for the winning tally in the ninth inat. c. OrIN SERIES MONTREAL, (INS) it will the Rochester Red Wings the Kansas Cry Blues, belther recular scason pennant winner, in the first came of the Latte World Series in Kansas City Saturday.

Logansport with have five lettermen, including two 1151 re in its startinr tonicht Nevertheless. Coach Ithb Faria a das had de to find replacements are fur no less than three serulars a ho out with injuries. The list of Includes Pullback Harrison sidelined by shoulder separation; latte PROBABLE LINEUPS Ha Let (1) 110) Cross Malut! 3 1183) art batted back Billy Mincin, da Injured antle, and Coard les injury. Karlen is captala of Loc miport Probable starters fur the Berries be Jim Ridenour and Jar start, ends: Stonnie Vinyard and Cary Hamlin. tackiee; Chuck Entersca and Don Bernal, ruards; Glen Cooke, center; Jay uarterback; Bob dial Dave Thomas, halfbacks, and Mick Lettermen 1a that Mayhill, fullback.

croup are Bernal, Erickson, Hamlin, Thomas and Both Thomas and May were regulars last reason, although the latter bis Job to tho burly Smith at the start of the proacni campalen. clarine 185- pounder, as the chief threat in the Berrie backbeld, particularweighs 192, is the for on 1 who Logans being rough to contain on line plunges, lio, wit throw up ape of the birgest forward walls to peace Marion Lads season. Fire starters up front weigh at least 150 pounds. The tonight -m feature homecoming activities at port, Three other Big Ten struggles on tap unight, Lafayetta vading Kokomo, Tech playing at Ander sud and Richmond visiting New Castle. A pair of zames find Cary Wailare Icte and Kirklin at Frankiort but never could quite make ft the way.

Wale Georgetown mauled, by University In its opener, last 1: probe bi will favorite over Taylor Saturday, Chattanooga in ferent footbad "league" Goor re town. The Kentucky team, coached Frank Long, has no less than 18 termes back from the 1951 seasop also morts trams in forkball this and FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By The Associated I'ress El Paso, Tex. Charlie Salat, 1564. Phoenix, Ariz Nick Moran, 152, Mexico City. 10.

Waterville. Me. Doc Blabchard, 132, Cambridge, pointed Paul Martin, 134, ton, Me. AMERICAY LEAGUE PENNANT RICE AT A GLISTE By The Associated Peres W. Pet, C.B, York Cirveland 61 24 Remaining Games: New York away 13) at Philade phis tonight, Saturday and Sure day.

Cleveland 42! at Detroit Saturday and Sunday SUNDAY 2:30 Sept. 28th 100 LAP CHAMPIONSHIP STOCK CAR RACE Jus 4 A Semi ARMSCAMP Alexandria 00 the same eleven. Dick Rat. lovitz, who was the Dig Tra's leading around gainer hike at is Fort Great Lakes is juiced up a cala its such poled college ball tiers Geurge Taliaterro of Indiana and Glean Miller of Northwestern. Next neck's telecast came -in be between Fort Lee, last year's undelerted Army champions, and Fort Belvoir.

FOOTBALL -TONIGHT-1 MARION GIANTS VS. LOGANSPORT BERRIES Direct Broadcast at 7:45 P. M. Brought to You by Your FM Station Sportangles FISHING HUNTING FOOTBALL GOLF. "Outdoor Sports Are Healthful and Fun for the Whole Family" 2nd Floor SPORTING GOODS CHINTT.R under MARION HARDWARE A lunys Something sons Must SO INO WASHINGTON If the Price of Your Brand Seems out of Range Change to Old and Keep the Change! 01.00 ID 3 A HOMPSOX Triple A Blend HOMPSO.

A Glenmore Product 1 I Me DISTILLERIES COMPANY KY. 1 i.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

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