Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

CHRISTMAS Will Soon Be Here. Make your friends happy with a sensible present. Once a Year Only. Don't put off selections till the last minute. met Go to.

WAJ. Rowe, who has everything desirable for presents. See our large, well selected, up-to-date W. J. Rowe, 113 West Fourth St.

Going to Headquarters You secure a better assortment, better prices, better attendance better everything. 7 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for our line in Whiskies, Gins; Brandies, Rums, ch a Brandy, Klimmel, Apple Jack, and the Finest of California Wines, Investigate and save money. Marion Liquor Co. M. Proprietor, South Adams Street, North of Third.

Opposite Holman Reeves. FREE BOOK TO WEAK MEN WE dress Have with FORFEIT druggist stamp If show and them we testimonialaare will to send not or them. true. adTHE ELIXIR OF YOUTH cures all Nervous Diseases, as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost. Nightly Emisaiona, Evil Dreams, Vericocele, Headache, Pains in the Limbs and Back and Insanity, caused by youthful errors or excesses, over-indulgence or abuse of any kind of elther sex.

In tablet or liquid fonn. Take Do other. 01 per bottle or; box, 6 for $5. Sold under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Prepared only by THE GERMAN HOSPITAL REMEDY.00., Grand Hapida, U.

8. 4. For sale by I. A. Stoner and Wallet: PTY MEN ENTOMBED.

Ightful Accident in an- IndianTerritory Mine. VE PEOPLE TAKEN OUT DEAD. or. One Hundred Miners Wore at Work the Time of the Explosion and Only bout One- Half of Them Have Been ounted Reildents of Butte Mont, illed by Sulphurous Fumes Due to melter Smoke. Poteau, I.

Dec. few minutes ter 9 o'clock -in the evening in mine the, Indianola and Rathway company, situated about three les from this place, a terrific explon occurred. Five men are known to ve lost their lives from the Immediate ecte, and many more are buried in shaft. The explosion was caused the ignition of coal dust atfer a blast been fired. The timber work of hoist was blown far into the air the shattered remains immediately ght Are.

Over a hundred men were work in the mine at the time of the plosion, and only a bout one-half of se have been accounted for. Those escaped were employed In another of the mine. Small Hope of Resene. There seems to be little hope of resIng the entombed miners, as there are andreds. of tons of earth to be taken ay before they can be reached: A indred men are working valiantly to their comrades.

They are ven away' at times because of the tense heat of the burning structure. 18 probable that the interior of ine is now burning, though at the ement time this can not be deterned. It 1s also Impossible to ascer. In the names of those who have been led and are burled in the mine. The lights up the country for miles pund, and there are thousands 'of ople arriving on the This 18 second time, within three weeks an explosion has occurred In this ne, two men haying been killed 1p previous one.

POISON IN THE FUMES. -Dealing Nuisance at Butte, Due to Swelter Smoke. Butte, Dec. city 18 min wrapped in sulphurous fumes dense and deadly than any it has own for years, and people with any lection of the throat or lungs are dyoff. like sheep.

Indignation is nt er beat, and unless the mining and felting companies quickly abate the ath-dealing nuisance, they will be target for a demonstration similar that of 1891. Then a cool and delibIt mob, made up of the best people the city, did many thousand dollars' orth of damage to the smelting comnies, And would have lynched some the general managers had they pot Ickly got out of town. people are dead becatine they re unable to breath the poisonous and there wore many other deaths pneumonia and throat trouble were Indirectly due to the smoke. lose were directly atbutable to the smelter 'amoke were; hn Gondnow, Edwin Irvine, Monpioneer: Mrs. Henrietta Levy, ank Rochester, Catherine Sullivan.

thick fumes of sulphur and come from piles of ore that are anted in the open alr at all the Ave halters that surround the. city, for purpose of retting rid the deadThere de an ordinance againat1 roasting, but it has not been coin4 with In years. American superintendent, Juan, Doc. 13. -The Insular of Poria Rico ban decided to F.

NO CHANGE OF HOURS 1 Eight- HOur Day in Indiana Coal Mines Not Likely To Be Abandoned. 00AL ADVANCING IN PRICE. Factories in the Gas Helt About to Change Their Fuel, mad Heavy 'Demand for' Black Diamouds-Natural Gas Kills Two Men.and Wounds Another--Indianapolis Innocent Indiana Man. a Policeman Kills Boy--Mob Hangs a Terre Haute, Dec. Van Horn, of the Indiana miners, was seen by a representative of the Associated Press in regard to the staten.ents being circulated that the operators of this state were to organize for the presentation of a plea at the Interstate, conference to be held in Pittsburg In ten-hour working day be granted.

Van' January, asking that return to the Horn stated that the rumors, while dis. quleting, were first placed In circula-: tion by a Chicago newspaper, and that he had -heard no operator mention the subject of organization to such an end. The -hour day, Van Horn, now extends throughouty the states in the scale agreement, and during the last year many. mines in Indiana where the ten-hour day prevalled have been brought under the Chicago agreement for eight hours. Demand for Coal Is Increasing.

The demand for all grades of coal in the Indiana flelds is steadily increasing, and. the price has kept pace with the demand until it is now twenty cents higher than two weeks ago. Chicago dealers are buying up all the steammaking coal that la placed on the market, and are even contracting for dellyery before the coal le mined. Two reasons are advanced for this: One Is that the factories in the gas belt are about to resume the use of coal as fuel, while the other is that the dealers are laying up a large stock before Jan. 10, at which time the Joint conference will be held to agree on the wage scale for 1899.

FATAL SHOT OF A POLICEMAN. Kills One of a Crowd of Boys Who Were Snowballing People Indianapolls, Dec. Tim Connors shot and Instantly killed 16- year-old Charles Tracy Sunday. Tracy was member of a set of young boys who have infested Kentucky avenue for years. Connors is the custodian of Greenlawn cemetery.

Sunday the crowd gathered oh the top of an old foundry near the cemetery in Kentucky avenue and began to throw snow balls 'at pedestrains indiscriminately. Connors, who was standing near, ordered them to desist, and his interefence was met by, a shower of ice. Connors started to get their names, and the boys. gave a last volley and ran. Connors then drew his revolver and, as he says, fired two shots in the air to frighten the crowd.

Young Tracy fell dead on the second shot, the ball passing through his heart. Connors gave himself up to the police and was locked up on a charge of murder. The crowd of which Tracy was a member la notorious. Connors was attacked by them last spring and left in the street with his head crushed In. Connors pleads unfamiliarity with revolvers, has engaged an attorney in his defense.

Considerable indignation against Connors prevalls in neighborhood. MOB, HANGS THE WRONG MAN. Young Indianian Said to flare Been Lynched When Innocont. 7. Wabash, Dec.

Fisher, living near Treaty, this county, has left for Montana, where his son Ell was last week hanged by a Letters received from the west Indicate. that the young man, who last year school teacher here and who had alborne a good reputation, was innocent of any, crime, being. mistaken by vigilantes for the Fisher was with a companion on sheep ranch when a murderous ruffian came along and covering both with 8 rifle forced them to assist in raiding a sheep ranch, driving off 8 a large nock. They were- resisted: and the bandits killed three men, who were herding the flock. Later they were overhauled by a brother of one of the murdered men with a large "party and shot to death.

The particulars are were, meager and the anxious father. has gone to investigate and bring back remains of his boy. TWO MEN INSTANTLY KILLED. Natural Gas Explodes in a Store and Works 'Death and Damage. Connersville, Dec.

gas exploded here last night In Henry Lukens' shoe store, killing two men Instantly and injuring several others, The store and the one adjoining were badly wrecked. Lukens miraculously escaped, but J. D. MacNaughton, who was sent for to stop the gas leak, WAs blown fifty yarda and killed. Patrick Ready was also killed.

Dr. Mcnu*tt's leg was broken and he was otherwise injured. Skeleton of a Woman Found. Palestine, Dec. Ulan and Howard Macumber, while trying to dig out A rabbit, uncovered a cavern several feet in depth, In which was found the skeleton of a woman, together with a brooch, a ring and a sliver comb, and a silver bracelet.

with the Initials F. 8." Tradition has it that many years ago a family of Southworths settled on the banks of Lake WinnetekauRee. Agnes Southworth, a benutiful young woman, Is said to have disappeared. Talk of an Electrio Line. Terre flaute, Dec.

talk of an electric line between here and Mattoon, 19 revived, and the Mattoon, Charleston and Terre Ilaute capitalists who are Interested in the project say chises that from if they the can cities get fifty-year and county boards they will hegin the work of construction at once Rescued at Terrible Risk. Eaton, Dec. the Baur glass works, In this place, Saturday, Jullus glass worker, fell Into what is called the "swing hole." the bottom of which was Alled with red-hot The fall rendered him unconscious and his clothes Immedi. a ere and ately after threw manaced caught buckets to fire, the of rescue His risk-of-his water helper him, in while own the descended life, hole o'hto extinguish their burning clothes. Mechaux la terribly burned, but the rescuer is not seriously hurt.

Indiana Demooratia Indianapolis, Dec. The cratic members of the legislature met here in conference to discuss policy to be pursued by them during the coming' They -will be In. the minority in each house. It was agreed to bestow the complimentary vote for United States senator on David Turpie. For speaker of house the sentiment to favor William IL.

Elchhorn, of Blufften. Burial of 'Squire Kelrwin, Jeffersonville, Dec. funeral of the late Justice Ephralm Kelawin occurred at the family residence Sunday afternoon and was attended by nearly every remident of the city. The remains laid in state on the sidewalk in front of the office where he has mar: ried 9,000 couples during the pant twenty-one years. Miners Use The Much Powder.

Clinton, Dec, dust. plosion occurred at: shaft: No. 4 of the White Elephant mine caused by miners using an overdose of powder. Three men were seriously hurt while several others were elightly Injured. Of the sariously Injured Newton Muncie and Jas.

Henry are not 'expected to live. Wilden's Debts Are Growing. Goshen, Dec. A F. Wilden, the real estate and continue to at pace disspeculator of this place, who falled last couraging to the creditors.

His Habilities were placed at $75,000. They' are now $30,000, and new claims are coming In steadily, 9 Fire Kills Little Boy. "Lafayette, Dec. .13. Freddie Smithers, 4 years old, son of Mr.

and Mrs. John Smtthers, died Saturday his clothing taking fire from a stove early the evening during. the temporary absence of his parents. His Insurance Had Ran Out. Frankton, Dec.

13. -W. H. H. Quick, one of the owners of the Commercial block, which was recently destroyed by fire, found that his Insurance policy expired two days before" the fire occurred.

vis Wreck of a Freight Train. Bloomington, Dec. Monon freight train, bound north, was wrecked by broken wheels south of Harrodsburg Sunday night, Nine loaded cars were badly broken. None: of the trainmen was injured. Marched Through the Cuban Capital, Havana, Dec.

Firat North Carolina regiment, which arrived here yesterday morning on the United States transport disembarked yesterday morning and marched through the city with bands and colors to camp at Marianao. By the time the regiment had reached. the suburbs of Cerro many hundreds of men, women and children were following, all showing deep emotion, the men embracing one another, the women weeping from excessive pleasure and the children shouting endearing names as the North Carolinians marched along, HAD TO SCUTTLE HER. Steamer Aurora Catches Fire In Lake Erle Race for Insurance, Chicago, Dec. through the great ice Held at the head of Lake Erle In the dense snow storm led to the stranding of the steamer C.

A. Black, with wheat from Duluth, below Bar Point. The big barge Aurania, also with wheat from Duluth, went: aground within one-quarter. of a mile of the Western Transit liner. Commodore at Bar Point.

While the steamer Aurora was dragging the Aurania through, ice fields, flames broke out on the the steamer, ship, to and her prevent captain her had total to destruc- scuttle tion. She went down In eighteen feet of water. At noon yesterday Insurance expired on lake boats. All lake traffic was ACcordingly at owners' risk: for. the rest of the season.

The race of the steamer Yuma to reach Duluth and load a cargo of wheat before marine Insurance expired, ended In failure. At that hour the Yuma was working her way In through the Ice to Duluth, but as the underwriters will grant no extension of Insurance she will doubtless winter there. She was chartered to take wheat from Duluth to Buffalo at 4 cents A bushel, and had she succeeded in load'ing her cargo and getting started before noon yesterday steamer would have gained the banner record of freight for the year. 3 05 THREE SOLDIERS KILLED. Two Are White, Who Are Hhot in a Quarrel, and a Negro Murdered.

Huntsville, Dec. Nelllgan, cook, and' George W. Beverly, bugler, both of company First FlorIda, were killed Sunday night. Nelligan and Beverly were on bad terms and had a fight In camp. Nelligan drew a knife and stabbed Beverly, who pulled out a pistol and told him to stand back.

Nelligan's brother, H. F. Nelligan, seeBeverly with a in his hand killed him with a Springfield rifle. Beverly's brother Roy emerged from his tent at this time and 'saw his brother fall. Thinking he had been killed by the cook, Nelligan, he shot the cook dead.

Private Porter Weisnant, troop Tenth cavalry, was found with a terrible bullet wound in the throat on West Holmes street. Ie spoke only. 8 few words -after he- was found, He statedthat he been held up by two white soldiers hand shot: Faneral of Gen. Garola Washington, Dec. funeral of General Garcia, the Cuban commander, was held at 10 o'clock this morning at St.

Patrick's church, in this city, The body was placed in a metallic case and deposited in a vault at Arlington pending its removal to Cuba. The date of removal has not yet been fixed, but this government will place a warship at the disposal of the Cubans for the purpose. Elliott Defeats Gilbert at a Shoot. Chicago, Dec. A.

R. Elliott, of Kansas City, yesterday defeated Fred Gilbert, of Spirit Lake, in a live bird shoot at Watson's park for the Sportsman's Revlew trophy, Elliott killing ninety- Ave birds to Gilbert ninety-two. DJ a Train. Buffalo, N. Dec.

special to The Times says seVen Italian snow shovelers were and several inJured on the New York Central railroad near Crittenden, this county, They stepped from in front of an approaching passenger train on to freight track and were struck by A freight train. They all lived in Buffalo. Explosion in a Powder Mill. Scranton. Dec.

workmen are reported having been killed and Injured by an explosion in the coining mill of the Moosic Powder company at Moosic, near here. Telephone wires were disabled by the explosion and it is difficult to obtain par.ticulars. Great damage was done in the vllage. OPENING OF BRUCE COFFIN. Intense proach Excitement of In Singular London Over Ap: Event.

London, Dec. excitement prevails over the approaching opening of the Druce 'comn in Ilighgate cemetery, Mira. Druce has overcome the legal obstacles raised by the Duke Jot Portland and has obtained from the chancellor of the diocese of London a faculty (authority) permitting gation of the coffin's contents, which she says she believes consists merely of an eligy, with wax head and hands and roll of lead for the body. The' Druce vault In Highgate cemetery has been surrounded by a strong stockade to keep the public away. The day and hour set for the opening of the coffin are kept strictly secret.

No one will be permitted to be present except medical and legal representatives of the Duke of Portland and Mrs. Druce. The Duke of Portland has arranged for private telegraph office at his seat in Welbeck abbey, to be kept open all night in order that he may get the earliest tidings. Says senate Will Not Ratify Treaty. Madrid, Dec.

In asserted that Premier Bagasta will obtain royal de. cree dissolving the chambers before. the ratification of the peace treaty. The semi-afficial Correo Announees that Senor Sagasta, before asking the cortes to ratify the treaty, confer with Senor Montero. Rios, president.

of the Spanish peace commission, and It is further asserted that, owing to the existence of opposition to the trenty, the United States will not confrm it. Noted Dujlaw Captured. the Savannuh, Dec. 13. Brewer.

noted outlaw who Agured in the "Jesup years AgO, has been captured at Johnaion tion by. a sheriff's posse. Ile made An attempt to escape and WAR shot twice. To prevent lynching he was brought to Savannah, DOINGS IN CONGRESS. Senate Passes Supreme Court Site Bill.

ADTOCATED DI SENATOR MORRILL. 11 The Site for the New Boliding Is East of the Capital Grounds Bill dating to the Shipping of beamed Famed by the of the luterior to Resign In a Short. Time-Fa meral of General Garcia Washington, Dec. bis opening prayer. In the senate Chaplain made touching allusion to the death.

of Mrs. Bright, wife of the of the senate. The senate passed a till Increasing the pension of Eleazir Smith of New Hampahire, who is over 100 years old and one of the three vivors of the war of 1812, to 130 month. Berry gave notice of an amendment he will offer to Nicaragua canal bill providing for the direct appropriation of money for the 000 struction of the canal and limiting the cost to $115,000,000. The amendment prevides for the construction of the canal by the Maritime.

company and gives the government a lien upon the property to be foreclosed under circuinstances fully enumerated. Berry stated the object of the amendment to be to eliminate the bond feature of the bill. Another was to deprive the Marltime company of any shares of stock AB ni the present bill, leaving the United States, Nicaragua and' Costa Rica the only stockholders. Amendinent to Canal DIlL Rawlins also gave notice of an amendment to the Nicaragua bill providing that the act should not go Into Affect until. the United, States should secure by treaty right to fortify and gurrison the canal, to send armed vessels and munitions of war through it in time of war and to close it against any other nation with whom the United States may be at Morrill, in accordance with previous notice, addressed the senate on his bill authoriz.

Ing the purchase of a site east of the Capitol grounds in Washington, for a building for the United States supreme court. Notwithstanding hia advanced age, the venerable senator handled the exceptional vigor and effectiveness. He urged the propriety of erecting a building In keeping with the dignity of the court, and claimed that the recent fire In the court's in of the measure. The de senate, after the the Capitol emphasized the Importance speech, promptly passed the supreme court alte House When the house met the previous question had been ordered on the passage of the bill which was under con? sideration when the house adjourned the day before to amend the laws relating the shipping of seamen and the vote was taken by ayes and nays. The amendment was disagreed to---105 to 125 -and the bill was passed without division.

On motion of Hay of Virginia a resolution was adopted calling upon the secretary of war for Information. as to what towns in: Porto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines are required to be garrisoned, how many troops will be necesarary for that purpose, and how many soldiers will be needed for the United States proper. Another resolution was adopted calling upon the secretary of state for information as to the alleged outrages upon Bishop Earl Cranston at China, In September last, and as to what, if any, steps had been taken to secure suitable The house then went into committee of the whole and took up the district appropriation bill. FUNERAL OF GARCIA. 4T.

A Remains Placed in the Receiving Vault of Arlington Cometary, Washington, funeral of General Calixto Garcia took place here. Mass was celebrated at St. Patrick's Catholic church at 10 o'clock, and the remains were conveyed to Arlington, where the body was placed In the recelving vault to await shipment to CuThe funeral services were Impressive. Anal -interment -will be made: The remains were escorted from. the Raleigh, where they had rested state.

since the old soldier's death, to St. Patrick's church on between and streets by two batteries of artillery. Right Rev. Father O'Gormon of Iowa, Rev. Father McGee, Monsignor Stes phan, director of the Catholic Ind'an bureau and Monsignor Sbarrati of the apostolic delegation, celebrated mass for the dead, and Archbishop Ireland delivered the a funeral sermon.

The archbishop's tribute to patriot's memory was eloquently pathetic. The honorary pall- bearers were Secretary of State Hay, Generals Miles, Shatter, Wheeler, Senator Thurston, Senator Money, Senator Mason 'and Ion. John R. Proctor. Active were elght non-commissioned officers from the Washington barracks.

TRANCE ACCEPTS THE GIFT. Denotes a Site for America's Monument to Lafayette, Washington, Dec. 13, -France has formally accepted the gift of the Lafayatte monument and donated an excellent site for its location. The Informa. tion Was received by Commissioner General Fred W.

Peck in a cablegram from ex-Minister Woodford, which 19 as follows: "French government accepts Lafayette monument with gratitude. Grants alte on government ground originally Intended for statue Napoleon. Beau. titully located, heart of Paris, opposite principal entrance Louvre gallery on main axis in rear Gambetta monument. Position highly Indorsed by minister fine arts and Cambon, Place will, be called Lafayette square.

"WOODFORD." Mr. Peck and Robert J. Thompson came in from Chicago and convened Lafayette memorial commission at the Arlington hotel. Senator Allison, Archbishop Ireland, Comptroller Dawes and Mr. Harris were present.

In the Informal proceedings the memorial committee showed the movement had already assumed the dimensions of aucThey have already collected 000. Three times that amount la needed. More than the required sum has been tendered to the committee by John W. Mackay, Cyrus 11. McCormick and other wealthy Americana, but the norial committee prefer to look to confor any.

deficit. The present plan is to have congress appropriate A sum of money for the pedestal equal to that subscribed the school children. Commissioner General Peck has decided his committee to select a design for the Lafayette memorial. It Will. be compored of J.

Q. Ward, president of the National Sculptors' society, P'resident 'cat of the American Institute of 'ArchItecture and John Lafarge, president of the American Art society. Military Governor of Cuba. Washington, Dec. General Brooke arrived In Washington from Fortress Monroe and waa closeted with Secretary Alger.

He then, in company with Adjutant General. Corbin ed to the White House and when he returned to the war department it wAs formally announted that the president. had designated him to be military governor of the island of Cuba, a new port which carrles with It all the control over the military and civil branches of the Imland formerly exercined by the captain general under the Spanish regime. Recess Appointments. Washington, Dec.

13. -The president has sent a large number of pointments fo the senate, among them being Hamilton 0. Ewart, to be district judge 'of the western of North Carolina, and Edward R. Meek, 10 be district judge for the nortHern district of Texas The two failed of roDfirmation at the clone of the last Elon. The came of Albert C.

p- to district judge for the southdistrict at Oblo, was the ber. SECRETARY BLISS TO RESIGN WIn Interests Call HIm from the Cabinet. Washington, Dec. 13-It is very probable that Secretary will tender bis resignation within short time to the president. He has bad the step under consideration for some time, deeming if necessary that be abould be tree to devote mere time to his large business interests.

The resignation, it can be stated, will not be dde la. the least to CORNELIUS N. BLISS. ary differences with the president or his other advisers but to Mr. Bliss' -reluctance for: purely private personal reasons to continue longer in office.

secretary of the interior. At the time he entered the cab'net it was said semiofficially that he did not Intend to serve out the term of four. years but would retire at some fitting opportunity. "It is presumed official announcement will not be made until the president bas chosen Mr. Bliss' successor.

Bryan's Resignation Acceptea. Washington, nings Bryan is no. longer an officer of the United States army. His resignation as colonel of volunteers has been received at the war department, It was accepted at once, Word to that effect was telegraphed to Mr. Bryan, who is with his regiment in Savannah, Ga 'President Goes to Atlanta.

Washington, Dec. president and party left Washington at 2 o'clock in the afternoon over the Southern railway for a week's trip through the south, the primary object being to attend the peace jubilee to be held in Atlanta, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Colonel Bright's Wife Dead. Washington, R. J.

Bright, wife of Colonel Bright, sergeant-at-arms of the United States sen. ate, died in Washington. Mutiny in a Colorado Prison. Denver, Dec. mutiny occurred in the state penitentiary at Canon City, and three men were Injured, one ously.

They are: E. E. Van Gohren, guard, cut about face and neck with razor, wounds may prove fatal; H. o. Fitzpatrick, guard, cut in the same manner, though his injuries are comparatively light; George Miller, a convict, shot in the leg, small flesh wound.

Charges Agalost Senator Burke. Cleveland, Dec. in disbarment proceedings against State Senator Vernon Burke have been fled with circult Judge court. Hale, Charges presiding judge of the In expulsion proceedings against Common Pleas Judge F. F.

Delienbaugh have been Died with Judge C. F. Pennewell of the investigation committee of the Cleveland Bar association. These separate sets of charges were fled by H. B.

Chapman, Eecretary of the Bar. association. Valuable Pearl Necklace Gone. New York, Dec. Frankel Sons, Jewelers, have reported to the police the pearl disappearance necklace their $10,000, They of are willing to pay $1,000 for its return.

The the necklace got out of the store. members of -the -Arm damnot know 'how Building Trades Connell Kansas City, Dec. Theodore S. National of Kansas City, president of the Jones Building Trades council, called the second annual convention of that to order at labor headquarters. All parts of the country are represented.

THE MARKETS. Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, Dec. 13. Following were the quotations on the Board of Trade.

today; December Wheat- Open. High. Low. Close. May .641 July 64 .64 65 Corner December .33 .33 May July .35 OatsDecember May Pork- .28 January 9.45 9.50 9.35 9.36 May 9.7.0 9.72½ 9.60 9.60 LardJanuary 5.25 5.26 5.171 5.20 May 6.42½ 5.47⅛ 5.371 5.37½ Butter Extra creamerles, per Ib; extra dairies, 160 17c; -Fresh fresh packing stock.

Eggs stock, per dozen. Dressed Poultry- per ID: chickena, ducks, 607c; geese, per Ib. Potatoes-Common to choice, per bu. Sweet mon nois, to per bbl. Apples-Comfancy, $2.00603.75 per bbl.

berries- Wisconsin bell and bugle, $6.00 26.50. Chicago Live Stook. Chicago, Dec. 18. Hogs- Estimated receipts for the day, sales, ranged at 003.40 for pigs, for light, fur rough packing, for mixed, and and for beavy packing shipping lots.

Cattle -Estimated receipta for the day, quotations at $5.7005.90 Christmas beeves, choice to extra steers, $4.550 6.10 good to choice $4.4544.90 for fair to good. common to mediumn butchers' steers, fed western steers, $2.8004.30 feeding steers, $2.600 4.70 helfers, $2.5064.25 bulls, oxen and stags, Texas steers, and $3.50 (PG.75 veal calves. Sheep and Lambs -Estimated receipts for the day, quotations ranged at $3.10604.25 westerna, natives. and $3.7505.30 lamba. Ent In Live Atork.

East Buffalo, N. Dec. Dunning Stevens, Live Stock Commission Merchants, East Buffalo, N. quote as follows: Cattle--Receipts, 10 care: dull, closing lower for fair to medium steers, and all hut choice stockers; veals, light to best, 60 cars; market opened steady, closing strong for all hut pigs; Yorkers, $3.85 light, 3.36: other grades, mixed to good heavy, pigs very dull: few sold, stage, roughs. $2.7503.05.

Sheep and 40 cars: dull but steady; others, $4 6.20; sheep, culls to best, wethers, 26c more. st. Lonis Grain. St. Dec.

13. Wheat-ligher: No. 2 red cash eleva. tor, bid; track. bid: December, 704c: -May, 690 July.

No. 2 hard, 646145c. er: No. 2 cash 32c bid; December, May, Oat8-Lower: No. casio 270 bid; track.

May, No. 2 white. 29c. Rye--62c. atliwankre Grain.

Milwaukee, Dec. 18. No. 1 northern, No. northern, OatsHigher; 27 631 No.

Hound Detroit Grain. 1 Detroit, Dec, 13. Wheat- Cami white. December, May. 69c.

Corn Cash, 360. Blumenthal Co. Holiday Special! Friday and Saturday we display .000 Dozen Handkerchiefs! The grandest display ever shown in Marion: Ladies' bandkerchiefs at 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 12,15, 20, 25, 83, 40, 50, 75, $1, and $1.50, in plain and initials. Gents' band kerchiefs, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 33, 40, 50, 75. and $1." A choice present for gentlemen is our new Oxford muffler.

Call and see them. Choice bouse jackets in all grades. Great holiday sale in our cloak Ladies' jackets and capes and misses and children's jackets, all at reduced prices to close balance of stock. 1,7 50. Shoe House -Our special cut price sale on men's finest $6 shoes go at $3 See the choicest stock of ladies', gents' and children's slippers, every grade and at special prices.

I- 2- Blumenthal Co. The Old Reliable Store, West Side Square. Marion, Ind. L' Fred 0. Gephart, Bakery Restaurant.

Fine: Ice Creams and Fruit Ices. Try our Marshmallow Oakes and be Butter Squares, Fresh Cakes Baked Every Day. 108 South Side Open Day and 4. Night. High Art Tailoring.

Marion, Ind us Your and bain take either of you'll your care the Linen always of life. pride it, or Let the Laundry be proud of it. Anchor nor Nostreaks, tears, White want want it nor and per just frayed broken when as edges- bands you fou Tel. 86. card telling it.

101 us S. Drop when us a to Washington call. postal St. 3 It's time to be sure about your dress-up clothes now. Function season coming on--how's your swallowtailed suit? Tuxedo? Prince Albert.

You need 'em all; and our High Art Tailoring goods will satisfy you in quality, style and price. Swallow-tail suits $25 to $45. Tuxedo suits, full silk lined, $25 to. $40. Prince Albert coat and vest $18 to F.

S. ALEXANDER, The auditor of Illinois Issued call for A statement of the condition. of state banks to. Dec. 12.

Ernest L. of Stillwater, has fled a petition in bankruptcy. The liabilities are $179,500, the assets about $375. 'Soldiers Are Sanest An interesting table, prepared by the British lunacy. commissioners, shows the average number of lunatics in various professions and occupations during a period of five years, calculated on the ratio to every 10,000 of the population.

With clergymen, the ratio is 11.1; with physicians and Burgeons, 16.4; barristers and solicitors, 15.4; chomists and druggists, 14.6; commerclal travelers, 14.1; railway enginedrivers and stokers, 12.5; soldiers, lowest of all, 10.5. Lodging louse for England, has two adjoinIng lodging houses conducted by the municipality. One 18 for men and the other for women. The latter will ascommodate thirty-four females, who for 10 cents a night aro given separate rooms. There are lavatories with hot and cold water and bathrooms.

The ground is occupled by a laundry. No women of known bad character are admitted. Died from an Ant nite The other day at Wichita, Alma Seger, a pretty srhool teacher, was bitten by an ant ou. the face. She went insane in a few hours And died of hydrophobla late in the same, afterDOOD.

Mias Seger was attempting to open the window when the ant ran out of a holo and bit her. It was of the big red species. The physicians say the ant bite caused ber to go Inmane, and she died in Had Changed. Elsie--My husband 18 very hard to please. Louise He must have changed considerably since be, married you Bits.

The People's "Wants." Advertisem*nts will be laserted ander this at the very low rate of one-balt of pant word. No adrertisem*nt taken lass than 10 canta. WANTED. WANTED- Fire cond lady and rootlemen A representatives at once, on salary and exCali no Chalfant, at. Homestead botel.

corner Fifth and Washington streets. WANTED- Two good goutlempu representaon salary Chelfant, at expenses Homestead for the botal, coontry. Call corner, Fiftb and Washingtod dit WANTED. -Three square. or four Addrass News unfurnirhed office.

rooms dedtt WANTED- Case of bad health that with pot benett. conte tor ten samples and 1,000 testimonials, Ripans Chemi. New York. july22d1y WANTED calcimining done cleaning, promptly whitewashing R. and in class way by D.

Scott, Now Phode 134. ol6dtf POR RENT FOR RENT-A nice seven room. boase for rent on West Fifth street. Inquire of C. C.

Gordon. diidti LOST. OS Pocketbook with money and receipts and owner's card, Please return sane to owner or MORNING and get reward. street OST--Elk between tooth watch charm on Wasbineton Third and Eighth. Finder return to 0.

E. Halderman, City street Railway office and get $10 reward. did8t 1. PUR SALE. FOR SALE Jersey cow; will be est March; giving one gallon milk per day at present, call 814 west Third street, Lease Sou, Livery, FOR one BALE- three-chair FOr casb barber or on easy complete.

permeate, All you have to do is to sharpen your razors and go to work. Hee Marion Loan Co. FOR SALE -Hand printing preen and seventoou fonts of type. all in good condition, cheap. Bert, the taisor.

ded6t FOR BALE--Ten R-I-P-A-N-8 for 4 centa at One gives relief. Ripans Chamical Now York. july2dly DR. W. BARTON OLDS, hom*ocopatbist, Office, Wigger Block; Ras.

606 W. Fifth Street, Phones-Old, 109 an efficient American superintenden. for the Porto schools. General John Eaton, the well-known educator and formerly United States er of education, has been selected and sent for, Twenty-Three Below 'Superior, Dec. 13-Mona day night was the coldest of the wind ter, 23.

below zero being registered for the night, and at 8:30 Tuesday morning It was 18 below. The weather was clear and no "onra" and Business. TIe very true that the smaller a town is the earlier its inhabitants arise in the morning and the more respectable their hour for retiring. Iu abort, the hours of every city in the United States indicate pretty clearly its comparative popolation and business importance. paradoxical as it may seem, the most hours not indicative of greatest commercin! Take Boston, for example.

Stores are opened for tho day's business at 8:30 14. bankers and merchants arrive nt their counting rooms at 9 precisely; other offices are opened at the latter hour: 80 are the schools. The "rash of "affairs, as one journal of- the lab ters usually close at 10:30. Half au 8:30 everybody a eats supper. The theadescribes it, continues until p.

at hour later the saloons likowise. At midnight actually the only moving objecte in the Boston streets are a low baluted herdice-they don't use caba there -some weary policewon and foores of spry cats. In the morning everybody breakfasts at precisely 7. These hours doubtloss more spectable" than those maintained by New Yorkers. At any rate, the Boston journals say RO, but somehow or other more business seems to be transacted here than in the Hub, although less time is employed in doing it.

-New York Times. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Robert Steed, a pioneer of Jay county, died few days ago. In looking about the house. where he lived sums of money amounting In all to $8.500 were found hidden in various places.

Six members of M. C. Parson's family of Croton, 0., are suffering with James Devine of Washington, at Len Fitzpatrick, a recently muRtered member 'of company One Hundred and Fifty-ninth regiment. The bullett struck the -metal plate on the belt worn by Fitzpatrick and lulled to injure him. David W.

llughes, a lumber dealer of Chattanooga, has Aled a petition in bankruptcy, with liabilities at 000 and assets at $1,000. Mire. William Goldsmith of Kewance, 1118., was burned to death, her dress taking Are from an overheated stove. Edward Minon was run over by heavy wagon' At and fatally injured. John Thelen of "Rockford, WAR riding on the rear platform of A (Ar when the brake chain EAVe way and the car plunged heavily forward, throwIng Thelen upon his head.

lie died two hours George Smith, a wealthy merchant of Webster City, was terribly burned while starting the Are with gasoline, mistaking it for keromene. Frank Button of Peoria, an exconvict, and James. who robbed the Michigan Central station at Martin, were each sentenced at Allegan, Mich, to fifteen years In Jackson penitentiary. Frank Kerr, aged 45," a Farmer of Houth Downs, was killed and pie 7-year-old son probably fatally hurt in A grade crossing accident on' the Dig Four railrond. 2 Seventeen years experience in Private and Hospital practice in Cbicaro.

MARION TIME TABLE. LINE- The Pannendle Route. Leave Marion for the Weat 37213 1:29 a 2:20 a 8:46 a 8:58 a Pu 2:10 pm pm TOLEDO, 8T. LOUIS KANSAS OITY K. Loaf Route.

Lab re Marion fur the West C4 a 5:60 1.40 Lu 10:82 bi ra 0:85 a 1:40 CLEVELAND, OINOINNATI, ONICAGO ST. LOUIS K. Your Houte. Leave Marion for the North South 9:16 a 6:89 8 1:16 to 7:88 to 5:58 E. W.

TIME TABLE. bound. 6:39 a.m., daily. south bound and 1:50 p. dortb a.

m. raps through to Mancio, via Anderson, except Sunday, and car. rica makes through direct coach for ladianapolia. p. connection tor.

New York and all castorn poiuta. Learce Hartford Olty at South North 8:56 a 9:55 a :53 $:40 Leave Kokomo at a my 9:17 a 12:28 3:36 to 1:06 9:07 pm Leaves Alexandria at' East West 9:88 a 3:44 1:56 2:50 O. P. DALY, Gon'1 Pas. Indianapolis.

Lad. MONON French Lick -To oprings, Chicago, West Baden Leave Frankfort North. South. 2:27 1:11 to :55 3:21 8:21 6:26 a 12:34 In 11:06 8 1:10 DRS, L. W.

and PLATT, DENTISTS. Oraduates Univeralty of Michigan. Office Hours-8 to 12 a. 1 to 5 7 to 8 p. m.

Telephone, Boll 184. 14 and 15 Commercial Club Bik. Marion Conservatory of Music, P. L. Nosebanm, H.

I. Nnsabaum. BRANCHES Violia, Plano, Voice Culture, Band lastraction. Flute, Theory of Music, Clarinet. Freach, Italian.

German. Night Olasace will be organized for those studying Spanish. Best European For terma or other Information, address, Marion Conservatory of Music, Obatles Block. 5 9.

Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.