Pantheon Strengths & Weaknesses
His E allows him to avoid a lot of damage and can act as a huge factor during all-ins. That is why he can turn fights into his favour especially when he is low on health.
Can easily poke and execute someone with his Q due to how that ability works. This when combined with lane brushes, or the river brushes can allow him to deal a lot of damage without taking any in return.
Pantheon has great pick potential with his R and W. In the mid-game, he can get lots of picks with his team.
Quite vulnerable when his E is down. This can allow the enemy to all-in him and kill him quite easily during the early game.
His Ultimate R positioning can get him killed if his team doesn’t follow up on him. Besides, going in too deep without any assistance can also get him killed.
He is quite useless if the enemy manages to steal his camps and set him back in terms of items. This will prevent him from doing damage and will make him a deadweight for his team.
Early game
0 - 15 min
is Strong
The lane brushes need to be controlled by you as they will allow you to catch enemies off-guard with your W. It will also zone enemies off minions.
Keep poking the enemy with your Q as much as you can. It is tough to dodge, and the damage will quickly build up and let you all-in enemies.
Your Ultimate R will allow you to make cross-map plays with ease. You can even roam directly after recalling and then show up to your original lane with your Ultimate R.
Mid game
15 - 25 min
is Average
You will have a lot of presence during this phase of the game. Try to CC lock high-priority targets when possible and get rid of them quickly.
Work with your Jungler and get some picks on the enemy Jungler or Support when you get the chance. This will let you snowball your lead during the mid-game.
Flanking enemies with your Ultimate R is viable but do it during a fight so that the enemy isn't paying much attention to your positioning. The lower the elo, the more effective this tactic is.
Late game
25+ min
is Weak
Try to secure picks during this phase of the game when possible. You will begin to fall off, so you must avoid 5 v 5 team fights when possible.
Keep track of the enemy Jungler and stay near-neutral objectives as much as possible. You don't want to get spotted on the other side of the map and lose a crucial objective out of nowhere.
Use the fog of war to flank the enemy when possible. The goal is to get rid of the enemy carries as quickly as you can. You may also opt for a tanky build and act as a frontline if need be.
Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min
Level 1 is a decent point for Pantheon, provided he manages to use the lane brushes properly. Depending on the ability, he can either poke enemies or go for an all-in.
Level 6 isn't too good as it won't help him in the lane that much. That being said, he can roam and take recalls frequently.
Boots are a massive spike to his roaming capacity in the game. He should be looking to make plays all around the map.
Mid game15 - 25 min
Level 11 is not a massive spike like other Supports. It gives only a measly increase in the damage and no utility, unlike other Supports. That being said, the lower cooldown certainly helps.
His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means he can deal a massive amount of burst damage to any enemy he gets too close to.
Pantheon is quite potent during the mid-game. This is because he can dish out a lot of damage in a short time and can secure picks all around the map.
Late game25+ min
Level 16 isn't that great a spike as it will only increase the damage of the ability and reduce the cooldown. It won't provide any utility whatsoever.
Most of his abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game. He can look for picks all around the map and can set up death brushes in the Jungle.
Pantheon is pretty tanky in the late game and can dish out tons of damage as well. His E and W allow him to quickly pick off targets without taking damage in return.
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