The Tacoma Daily Ledger from Tacoma, Washington (2024)

THE TACOMA DAILY LEDGER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1927 WITH COAST LIQUOR MEN LOOMING Federal Officers Prepare to Retaliate With Use of Tear Gas Bombs When Smugglers Purchase Guns LOS ANGELES, April bombs as a reprisal against liquor smugglers who have purchased machine guns to combat federal officers and 4'hi-jackers was threatened today by Frank R. McReynolds, prohibition administrator for southern California and Arizona. "To smugglers of contraband that have passed the word through the underworld channels of a deliberate plot to wreak vengeance against federal officers by the use of major artillery, I. reply that we will retaliate by inaugurating, a warfare of tear gas McReynolds in an address today at the University of Southern California's metropolitan college. His talk was a part of a course in the theory, value and maebinery of law enforcement.

This is not an idle threat for we already have a supply of these bombs. If this method of combat proves ineffective against the machine gunners, the department will go, to the extreme, if necessary, of using mustard McReynolds said he marveled that more officers engaged in prohibition enforcement have not been dishonest, because of their small salary. Their wage of $150 a month is less than that paid Los Angeles and San Francisco policemen, he declared. 100 DELEGATES AT OLYMPIA SESSION Tacoman Presides at State Congregational Parley, Noted Speakers Heard OLYMPIA, April More than 100 delegates are attending the Congregational state conference which opened Tuesday forenoon in the auditorium of United churches for a three-day meet. Sam Stocking of Tacoma is presiding as moderator.

Welcoming addresses were made by Rev. S. Everton of the Central Baptist church, and United by Rev. Churches, T. H.

both Simpson of Olympia. Departmental conferences occupied the forenoon. The afternoon program included an address by Rev. Robinson, Yakima, on "New Ways of Thinking Old Thoughts." Also a. discussion of "Experienced in Presenting Old Truth in the New Light," by Reverends John Clyde, Paul Gates, Clay Palmer and others.

The report of Superintendent L. 0. Baird was read and a welcome given the new associate superintendent for western Washington, Rev. Charles H. Burdict, Ph.

Subject of "New Ways in Missionary Methods; Ministers Pensons" was discussed by Rev. Harvy R. Miles of New York. A talk on China was given by Dr. Alma Cooke of China.

At. 6:15 young people's banquet was held at the Community clubhouse, with Rev. Fred Grey as leader. Afterward play was presented at the church auditorium by a cast from First church, Tacoma. Address of the evening was presented by Professor E.

O. Sisson of Reed college, Portland. HOQUIAM FIRM TO LOG AT NORTH BEND SOUTH BEND, April -The Armstrong logging camp has been sold to the" Walker Brothers of Hoquiam, who will continue the logging operations, but tow the logs to Grays Harbor. The tract is a part of the Shoalwater Bay Indian reservation, near Tokeland, and is composed largely of spruce, Club Elects The Research club has selected following delegates to attend the meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs: Mrs. B.

B. Dietrich of Raymond with Mrs. J. D. Clyde Lewis of South Bend, and Mrs.

E. J. Doncaster and Mrs. William Owens, of Raymond, as alternates. Road Supervisor Quits After seven years active service I.

A. Johnson resigned this week as county road supervisor for the district comprising South Bend and vicinity, He says that he has worked long enough and wishes to retire. HOTEL DRIVE WON AT WALLA WALLA for $150.000 for the new hotel for Walla Walla was completed. The money must be paid in by May 1 and the real estate improvement of Seattle will then plans for the I new hostelry prepared and start work on the building as soon as possible. Oscar Drumheller, chairman of the finance committee, was lauded by the workers for his untiring efforts and he in turn commended the workers.

WALLA WALLA, April With pledges totalling $151,700 announced here today, the campaign CURFEW AT 8 P. M. BUCODA, April -City Marshal Harlan has been instructed by the council to rigidly enforce the curfew law prohibiting minors under be on the streets alone after 8 p. m. May 1 the curfew law will be advanced to 9 o'clock.

On account taken of by the the danger, steps being city are, prohibit roller skating by children on Main street. SOMEBODY'S STENOG- She's No Respecter of Persons -By Hayward Now DON I WANT TO 15AT THAT ASKING SHE'S JUST 'HEH 6 YOU'RE ALTOGETHER KEEP THE Too MUCH, POPPER? LIKE ONE OF PST TOO FAMILIAR RESPECT OF AFTER SHE'S THE FAMILY! 10 COME WITH MY WORKED HERE SECONDT, STENOGRAPHER. MY EMPLOTEES, FOR HEARS EIGHT A STOP IT 0 4 A HAYWARD CHOOSE A CANADIAN NATIONAL VACATION THIS YEAR East the new way through the Canadian Rockies' The DOUBLE TRIANGLE ROCKNES Grandest Scenery, TOUR RATL AURR Every mile is a poem of scenic grandeur on this route East, through the Canadian Rockies. The snowy crest of huge Mt. Robson, Monarch of the Canadian Rockies, seen from your car window.

Awesome mountain crags give place to yawning chasms; roaring waterfalls, to savage, lashing rivers. This, the scenic route, is the neto way East. Stop- -off at Jasper Park Lodge ($7.50 a day Weekly sailings' up, American Plan, open May 21st to Sept. to Alaska 30th), in Jasper National Park to climb, motor, explore, or to golf in exhilarating mountain air. And be sure to ask about the Double Triangle Tour- America's greatest vacation trip- Jasper send Please which may be associated with your trip Also, National free Park booklets J.

F. McGUIRE, Gen'l Ag't Tourist Map and on Triangle Phones Main 4906-5709 1329-4th Seattle of Canada. Rockies. student state Sos Canada in Genada's Diamond Jubilee Year 1867-1937 Address. grade) -City.

C'ANADIAN NATIONAL State. The Largest Railway System in America 330-282-D CENTRALIA LODGE GUEST AT BUCODA, I. 0. 0. F.

Degree Team Confers 3d Degree on Class at Big Celebration CHEHALIS PAVING PROJECT PASSED Highland Place and 10th Street Plans are Approved By City Commission CHEHALIS, April evening the Chehalis city commission passed final reading of ordinance No. 419-A. for paving Highland place business on the district. hillside The above pavethe city's ment will be concrete, 18 feet wide, 6 inches thick, with curbs. Ordinance No.

418-A. for cement sidewalks on both sides of 10th street from Pacific avenue west to the city's limits passed first reading. City Engineer Bantz was directed to arrange early call for bids for both jobs. A permit was granted the Coffman-Dobson Bank Trust Co. for repairs on its bank building estimated at $8,000, due to fire last Wednesday night.

Bee-Nugget Awards Prize First and second prize cash awards have been made by the Chehalis Beeto the winners of the contests in the recent Lewis county oraNugget torical contests on "The Constitution," as follows: Chehalis: Marguerite Bantz, first; Helen Hanson, second. Centralia: Veryl Throckmorton, first; Anita Salmon, second. Dryad: Fred R. James, first; Mabel Waters, second. Winlock: Mary Meloy, first; Viola Poyhonen, second.

Prizes were given only in schools in which three or more students qualified. Sues on School Election E. C. Flesher of Pike's hill school district, adjacent to Winlock, began suit today in superior court aside the result of a special election held April 16 when by a vote of 32 yes and 32 no consolidation of his district with Winlock district No. 202 was authorized.

Complainant alleges two illegal votes were cast in his district for consolidation, which, if thrown out, would have tied the result and prevented its carrying. Citation of school officers affected to appear May 9 at 10 o'clock to answer the complaint was issued by the court. Leu Funeral Hold Funeral services were held yesterday at Toledo for John F. Leu, aged 79. Spokane resident 33 years, whoso death accurred Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs.

George Dew. Rev. Charles Botts, Presbyterian, officiated. Mr. Leu was born in Ohio.

Surviving relatives are his widow, Mrs. Mary A. Leu, Toledo, the daughter, Mrs. Dew, and three daughters and a son residing in the east. L.

R. Cattermole of Winlock was in charge of the funeral. Kouteman Rites Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Greta Kouteman, for 20 years a resident of Independence, in northwestern Lewis county. will be held Wednesday.

Mrs. Kouteman's death occurred Sunday. She was a native of Finland and is survived by the widower, Matt Kouteman; a son, Arnold of Olympia; and six daughters, Mrs. A. Erickson, Mrs.

A. Anderson, Misses Olive and Edith Kouteman of Olym pia, and Mrs. Peter Peters and Mrs. Harry Majors of San Francisco. Civil War Veteran Dies M.

Milhoan, aged 83, former well known G. A. R. member of Chehalis, died at Orting Sunday and funeral services will be held Wednesday. A son, D.

C. Milhoan of Yakima; three daughters. Mrs. B. B.

Lipscomb. Mrs. Ella G. Black of Tacoma and Mrs. Cecil Parmenter of Proctor, and the widow.

Mrs. Elizabeth Milhoan of Tacoma, survive the deceased. Vance Postmistress Resigns Mrs. A. W.

Siler has resigned her position as postmistress at Vance in eastern Lewis county, due to ill health. Representative Albert Johnson has been advised by the postoffice department that unless some one will take the position at an early date the office will be discontinued. Pleads Not Guilty Puckett, Chehalis youth, was arraigned in superior court before Judge W. A. Reynolds on a charge of stealing an automobile.

He pleaded he was remanded to the county jail not guilty. In default of 1 $700 bail to await trial. SENIORS TO HEAR DILL -The LONGVIEW, commencement April address for the Longview high school graduation class this year will be made by United The States Senator C. C. take Dill of Spokane.

exercises will place in the Community church 72" on June 10. It is expected that students will be graduated. HUGE AUTO INCREASE OLYMPIA. April years, vehicle between 1921 and 1926, motor licenses receipts have almost doubled, it was shown in a report issued today by State Treasurer W. G.

Potts. Gain in 1926 over 1921 was 92.23 per cent. TAX PORTLAND, MAN RECOVERS Rogers Arundell of April tax commissioner of the federal Washington, D. yesterday appeals, who collapsed here board had delivering an adwhile dress, recovered today and Was tax appeals. his hearings on income continuing FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST TACOMA Announces a FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by PAUL A.

HARSCH, C. S. B. of Toledo, Ohio Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts IN JASON LEE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1927 Sixth Avenue and Sprague Street at 8 o'Clock The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend LET 7 CONTRACTS FOR STATE ROADS OLYMPIA, April (P) Seven state highway jobs were awarded this by the state highway committee afternoon. They include: State road No.

grading, draining and paving with concrete 10.7 miles between Redondo and Tacoma, in King and Pierce counties, to T. M. Morgan of Seattle at $288.751. State road No. constructing five bridges and culverts with 48-foot roadway between King county line and Tacoma, in Pierce county, to Paul R.

Savidge of Tacoma, at 749. Inland Empire highway---Surfacing with 25,000 cubic yards of crushed rock. about 21 miles from Colfax south, in Whitman county, let to Carl Nyberg of Spokane at $64,791. Inland Empire highway- Grading, draining and surfacing with crushed rock or gravel, about 3.7 miles of the Spangler-Whitman county line r6- vision in Spokane county; let to Mitchell Bros. of Spokane at $74,702.09.

Pend Oreille highway- Clearing, grading and surfacing with gravel, about 2.8 miles in Tiger vicinity in Pend Oreille county; let to Owens Bros. of Reardon at $14,490.72. North Bank highway--Surfacing with 29,210 cubio yards of crusched rock, about 14.8 miles between Toppenish ridge and the Klickitat county line in Yakima county; let to Campbell Construction company of Sunnyside at $53,277.90. Olympic highway-Clearing, grading and draining about 6.5 miles from Crocker lake to Little Quilcene river in Jefferson county; let to T. M.

Morgan of Seattle at $104,807.82. SPRING PROGRAM STARTS AT ELMA Park Board Makes Plans to Clean Up West Main St. Tract, Improve Camps ELMA, April park board of the city of Elma is making plans for the spring program and 88 an Initial step will clear away the accumulation of limbs and rubbish from the small park on West street. No planting will be Malput the grass will be kept mowed and park paraphernalia will be repaired a and kept in good condition all season, according to J. W.

Strubel, president of the board. Improvements on the entrance park and the auto camp park will be completed when funds are available later in the spring. City Departments Separated The department of city water and police will hereafter be conducted as separate departments by a vote of the city council. Formerly the town marshal on day duty has also been chief of the water department. W.

R. Campbell has been appointed to relieve J. H. Barton of the duties of the water department, List Land for Sale A plan whereby owners of agricultural land for sale list the same with the Elma Chamber of Commerce has been agreed upon. The committee, to be known as the east land settlement committee, is to function as a clearing house for information, and to have no direct selling power.

was found necessary to aid chamber officials in answering inquiries. The committee will work with committees appointed from every Grays Harbor chambers of commerce. Fair Bids Called The Grays Harbor Fair association has called for bids for the construction of an automobile display to be completed on the grounds -of building and an executive building the association in Elma not later than August 1 of this year. REP. LONGWORTH TO SPEAK AT SEATTLE SEATTLE, April Nicholas Longworth, Republican, Ohio, speaker of the House in the last session of Congress, in 8.

letter recelved here yesterday by President George H. Hubbard of the Seattle Young Men's Republican club, accepted an invitation to address the organization some time during July, Hubbard said. Word received here today, from State Senator Ralph Metcalf of Tacoma said that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, who plans to attend the dedication of the new Washington state capitol September, will spend a day each in Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane. Senator Metcalf recently to Washington to invite Secretary Hoover to the dedication. George Says: Suggestion to Lester Hunt Build your next church ofOlympic Cement and fool Al Santell when he tries to pull it down.

C. S. Barlow Sons 1715 Dock St. Main 21 CENTRALIA GIRL PASSES IN EAST Miss Martha Uhlmann Fails to Recover After Operation in Boston, Mass. CENTRALIA, April -Word was received today of the death in Boston, of Miss Martha Uhlmann, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. C. Paul Uhlmann this city. Death followed an operation performed several months ago. Miss Uhlmann was 23 years of age and was born in Quincy, Ill.

She came to Centralia with her parents in 1909 and graduated from the Centralia. high school in 1921. Following her graduation from the University of Washington she entered Simmons college in Boston in the fall of 1925. She was member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at the state university. Mrs.

Uhlmann and a son, Paul, left for Boston two weeks ago upon word that Miss Uhlmann's condition had taken 8. turn for the worse. They are expected to arrive home with the body Sunday. In addition to her parents, Miss Uhlmann is survived by two brothers, William Paul and Richard C. Uhimann, and a sister.

Emma Jane. New Traffio Laws Up The city commission today passed first reading of a new traffic ordinance and also an ordinance restricting the construction of fire escapes in the first fire zone. The traffic ordinance is largely a consolidation of previous traffic measures, and will include the restriction of parking of autos in business district sections. A. Elects Officers The Centralia.

Parent-Teacher council yesterday elected new officers for the coming year: Mrs. Harry Bradford, president; Mrs. F. M. Graves and Mrs.

W. E. Johnson. vice prestdents; W. F.

Peterson, secretary, and Miss Edna Price, treasurer. Presidents of the associations affiliated with the council reported on the past year's work. Bags Stock Killing Bear Cecil Arrowsmith, residing in the Hannaford valley, yesterday killed a. large bear. The beast had attacked and killed several head of livestock.

G. N. MAY BUILD OREGON BRANCH ST. PAUL, April The Great Northern railway has asked the interstate commerce commission for permission to build a line from Bend to Klamath Falls, in Oregon, in lieu of the previously proposed extension of the Oregon Trunk road. Ralph Budd, president of the Great Northern.

said here today that Oregon Trunk, jointly owned by the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific roads, had withdrawn its request for permission to extend its line to Klamath Falls. wiTh prompted withdrawal, by the it was decision of learned, the Northern Pacific opposing Oregon Trunk extension in bellef the that it would primarily benefit the Great Northern. The proposed construction would tap an important lumbering district. WATCH BLIND CURVES KELSO, April 26. -Regulations relative to parking on highways and passing on blind curves are being enforced more stringently than ever in this vicinity by C.

A. Tolson, state highway patrol officer. Russell Simm, a tourist from California, was fined $25 for passing cars on a. blind curve near Kalama and Tolson has ordered a number of cars off the highway where they were parked for minor repairs, warning the drivers not to repeat the offense. RYDERWOOD MEET ELECTS OFFICERS RYDERWOOD, April 26.

(Special)----All officers were re-elected, the Woodland Christian church was awarded the next conference, to take place on June 26, and the Central Christian church won high attendance prize at the annual meeting of the Lower Columbia Young People's union here on Sunday. More than 200 attended. The officers are Jack Grocott, Longview, president; Laura Kenyon, Ryderwood, vice president; J. M. Stanley, Kelso, secretary, and Irene Lund, Winlock, treasurer, HARBOR LOGGERS HOLD BIG SESSION Delegates From All N.

W. Attend Meet in Hoquiam, Discuss Insurance HOQUIAM, April biennial district meeting of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen was held here last night in the Hoquiam community hall. Delegates from all branches in the northwest were present at the conclave and listened to the annual report of President W. C. Ruegnitz of Portland.

Among the matters discussed at the meeting was group insurance, tentatively adopted by the organization at the last annual meeting. The E. C. Miller Cedar Lumber company was represented for the first time. The mill is in Aberdeen concern.

Predicts Harbor Boom The Aberdeen realty and the real estate business Grays market, Harbor generally is headed for one of the greatest booms in the history of the district, according to J. M. Bowes, pioneer Aberdeen real estate dealer. A total of between $8,000,000 and $10,000,000 will be expended on roads, industries, water and homes here during the next two to four years and these should result in an unprecedented development, Mr. Bowes believes.

Denied pasturage in the upper valleys, which still are covered with snow, Olympic elk have ranged downward toward Lake Quinault, where they now are frequently seen in bands numbering from 40 to 100 head. Visitors on the upper Quinault report the animals are so tame that with ordinary care humans can approach to within short distance without stampeding them. Schools to Compete Aberdeen, Hoquiam and Montesano high school students will compete in a Shakespearean contest Wednesday night in the Hoquiam junior high school, the contest taking the place of the one to have been held at the University of Washington. Walter Carl and Romaine Fuller, Aberdeen, will represent Weatherwax high in the contest. Mike Bulatovich, Belle Dunlap and Grace Reardon were arrested last night by city and county dry squads in a series raids in the Hume street and Heron' street districts.

Liquor seizures ranged from half a gallon to 11 pints in the three places. Bail for each person was set at $750. Federal charges of sale and possession of liquor were filed yesteragainst Hilda. Johnson, operator day, Pike rooms, following a. raid on the place in which prohibition officers discovered more than a gallon of alleged whisky.

Her bail was fixed at $1,000. Blueback Price 60 Cents A blanket price of 60 cents each for early season "bluebacks" or Quinault river salmon has been tentatively accepted both by Indian fishermen and Grays Harbor packers, according to W. B. Sams, superintendent of the Taholah reservawho presided at conference tion, in Taholah between Indians and shippers. SHERIFF HAVENS SUED FOR $85,000 Thurston Officer and L.

L. Hunter Defendants in Action on Garage Seizure OLYMPIA, April for $85,000 damages was filed in the Thurston county superior court Tuesday by J. T. Epley, alleged to have been sustained by the seizure of his garage property and business on "pretended writs of attachment" by Sheriff Claud Havens. Defendants besides Sheriff Havens, are L.

L. Hunter, who secured the writs inf our actions to recover $1,863.26, alleged due him from Epley; the Fidelity Casualty company of and Millard Lemon and William Wilson, sureties for Hunter. Plaintiff Epley avers that he owned both the garage property, East Fourth avenue, and the business; that all the property and business, many times the value of the amount sued for, was seized by Sheriff Havens unon the writs October 29, 1926, retaining possession until December 23; and that the goods were sold and the money taken; and that quantities of auto parts all sorted and tagged in bins, were dumped in heaps on the floor and the bins torn out, and that the parts so exposed to the weather became unmerchantable, and sold, lost, destroyed and damaged goods, 000 is asked. For loss of alleged profits of $50 per day, $20,000 dabages is asked. For destruction of books, slips, receipts and records another $10,000 is asked.

For damages to the building, $10 ie asked. Because the sheriff and his deputies, aids and assistants took possession of. the property and delivered same to various third parties, notwithstanding the fact, it is averred, that the judgements had meantime been paid and suit dismissed, and because the business and property never has been turned back to the plaintiff, $200,000 more is asked. New Tug In Service Captain Delta V. Smith put the 60- foot Diesel tug boat "Dividend," formerly the "Arab," built here, into commission here Monday in his tow boat operations.

The "Dividend was purchased from W. S. De Pierris of Seattle, and replaces the steam tugboat "Lumberman," which Captain Smyth sold to the Crosby interests of Seattle six weeks ago. Lots Bring $17,000 Sale of the business property known as lot 3, block 14, with a 40- foot frontage on Capitol Way, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, by Otis Brown, to Phillips Newell, local contractors, was closed Monday, at a consideration reported at $17,000. This is $425 per foot, and is believed a record for Capitol Way property.

The Otis Brown real office will be moved to the Chambers block. Road Finally Assured After more than 10 years of effort by residents of the district down the east side of the bay north of Priest Point park to secure the construction of a road through the park to connect with the Hanna road and give 8. more direct route, contract was awarded Tuesday morning at a joint meeting of the city commissioners, for construction of the road, a distance of $2,100 feet. The contract went to Wulz Hanner of Chehalis, low bidders, figuring approximately $1,600 under the estimate of City Engineer Charles I. Signer, at $12,198.16.

Six bids were received. Mrs. Husk Dead Mrs. Elmirs Augusta Husk, 65, resident of Olympia for the past 39 years, passed away Tuesday morning at the family home on Union avenue east. The widower, George W.

Husk, who survives her. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Surviving, besides Mr. Husk, Aberdeen; are three sons, Husk W. of A.

Centralia, Husk and J. W. of E. D. Husk of Tacoma.

Funeral services will be held at 3 p. m. Thursday at Mills chapel, Rev. O. F.

Krieger and Rev. Mr. Gilbert officiating. Koutonen Rites Thursday Funeral services for Mrs. Greta Koutonen will be held from Mills afternoon at 1:30 chapel Thursday o'clock, instead of Wednesday afternoon, as previously announced; advice from relatives in California necessitating the change in time, HOLD RITES TODAY FOR BLAST VICTIM LONGVIEW, April 26.

(Special) -Funeral services for Arthur Bassett, age 24, Longview man who was one of the three victims of the Stella drowning tragedy last Friday, will take place in the Community church here Wednesday afternoon, with the Rev. E. H. Gebert officiating. Burial will be in the I.

0. O. F. cemetery, Kelso. Alex Hay will sing.

Bassett was driver of the Hotel Monticello bus and also an amateur moving picture cameraman. His young widow, of Longview, his parents Castle and a brother and a sister, of Rock, are the immediate survivors. BUCODA, April -At the regular meeting of Skookumchuck lodge No. 129, I. 0.

0. Tuesday, evening, the third, degree candidates was conferred. degree staff of the Centralia after which a program WAS lodge to celebrate the 108th anniput on of the founding of Odd Felversary lowship in the United States. There was large crowd of visitors presa from nearby towns. After the ent ceremories a supper Nelson was and served.

Mrs Willard daughter Hazel and son Merle have returned home from La Grande, where Mrs. Nelson was called two weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. G. H.

Tompkins and by the death of her mother. children left Tuesday for Tacoma after spending the past three weeks here visiting relatives. The families of Mr, and Mrs. F. L.

Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Knight.

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bowen, Mr.

and Mrs. C. S. Vanderslice, Mr. and Mrs.

A. E. Nelson, Dr. and Mrs. R.

L. Simpson and Mrs. Freda von Planta Mr. and Mrs. M.

L. Page and chilspent Sunday at Hoods Canal. dren and da Bill Swift of Olympia Morsbach were the guests of Mrs. Anna Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Hawkins have returned from Seattle where they have spent a few weeks with relatives. The Bucoda Rebekah lodge gave a social dance at the new I. 0. 0.

F. hall Saturday night. Many Bucoda people went to Tee nino Friday night to attend a play. "Oh, Susannah," put Tenino on by high the school. senior class of There were 11.

students in the cast of which six were from Bucoda. Miss Opal Marlance of Mutual heights spent the week-end in Puyallup with relatives. COUPLES TO WED KELSO, April 26. issued (Special) Marriage licenses were yesterday to Raymond L. Porter, Tenino, and Lennice M.

Hackett, Chehalis, and C. L. Gilpin and Nellie E. McLean, Vancouver. Mrs.

McLean was given her final freedom yesterday by a final divorce decree and secured the new marriage liceuse immediately. YAY YAY RHODES BROTHERS SONS. CITY OF DE A A A Rhodes Lay Linoleum Floors the Modern Way We use the most modern method of laying Linoleums- paste them down over a layer of builders' deadening felt and then cement all seams, edges and points with waterproof cement. Linoleums laid this way will wear for years. We carry, three complete lines of the best that can be procured--you are invited to inspect our complete assortments at your leisure.

AN Blabon's Linoleums The exclusive Flagstone and Slatestone patterns are wonderful reproductions of natural stone, unlike anything heretofore produced in linoleum. Inlaid and Printed Linoleum has been termed the most colorful line in the country. Armstrong's Linoleums -a durable, comfortable, practical flooring for any room. New this year are the "Jaspe" Linoleum Rugs; plain, embossed and arabesq Nairn's Linoleums patterns, High-grade Inlaid Linoleum in distinctly modern designs and colorings; heavy and household weights. Satisfaction guaranteed.

-Rhodes Brothers, Fourth Floor VA DA DA DA DA DADA DA DA DA DA DA TE TACOMA'S RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY WILKESON, Inc. 7th at Broadway Main 138 GOODY YEAR Means Good Wear WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 715-717 PACIFIC AVENUE Accessories, Parts for Fords, Tires and Tubes at a Saving LOOK FOR SAVING SAM SPRINGS BODIES New or Repaired WEST COAST STEEL 00. 21st and Pacific WHITE MOTOR TRUCKS J. F. HICKEY MOTOR CAR co.

812 A Street Main 8896 NASH TACOMA NABE SALES CO. Priced from 91,092 to $9,370 9th of Tacoma Ave, Main 9403 For Space in This Directory Call Main 5510.

The Tacoma Daily Ledger from Tacoma, Washington (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.