San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. SUNDAY. APRIL 28, 1916 PERSHING IS CONCENTRATING FOR RETREAT Withdrawal Order Expected as Soon as Troops Reach Base at Namiquipa MORE TROOPS RUSHED IN. Reinforcements to Prevent Attacks by Mexicans Believing Army Whipped roving bandit bands or hostile soldiers. They have been forded to dig in all along the line, and it 18 feared that once the troops start out the Carranza officers will lose control of their men and riots similar to Parral will tollow.

The teeling in growing more hostile all along the line between Columbus and Satevo, and it is feared that further outbreaks will occur over Sunday, especially in the Parral district. Reports from Chihuahua City say that the Carranza soldiers recently Bred on an American aeropiane which flew over the Plaza at hun on scouting trip. The soldiers Ared from the garrisons and from the roofs of the barrack at the flying seropiane, and were not stopped by officers in command. GAVIRA PESSIMISTIC Even General Gabriel Gavira, the Carranza commander 'in Juarez, declared tonight that he did not like the turn things had taken in Mexico in the Meld of American operations, and that he feared that officers could not restrain their troops longer. "If this 18 but a bandit chase, why then should the United States be sendIng in great cannon and more troops, when Villa's band is scattered and he believed to be dead? I cannot understand it, 'and I fear the consequences of this act.

I am able to control my troops here on the border, but the interior commanders are often unable to do this, and I am afraid something may happen which will break the friendship between the two countries. MAY FACE INTERVENTION cannot believe that President vellion will bring about intervention, but I do fear that he may be forced to do it by selfish Americans. I hope the troops will soon be removed, for 1 believe their mission is over, and will then be relieved of most embarrassing situation," said General Gavira, was announced tonight by Consul Garcia that a free silver plan was being seriously considered for Mexico by General Carransa. American army. officers here, while refusing to.

express a definite opinion on the troop. movement, pointed out it did not necessarily mean that the idea of recalling the Pershing expedition had been abandoned. One officer offered this as a possible explanation: We all realize that if the American troops begin to withdraw, it may excite the various bands of Viliistas who are still roaming about and who will conclude that the Americans are leaving because they have been defeated. MONEY CRISIS APPARENT This may easily incite them to on our line of communications, which is very poorly protected. The additional troops sent into Mexico be merely intended as a guard for our communication in the event of withdrawal." Renewed anxiety was shown here today over the grave economic st fered new decline today, being ditions in Mexico.

Carranza money noted in a local broker's office at cents on the dollar. Americans arriving from the interior are imous in their statements that the situation of the de factor Government becoming exceedingly precarious, and that every city they have passed through -food riots were almost dally occurrence. One, American who arrived here from Durango City described the conditions in that State as terrible. He id that the country people were nocking into the cities by thousands, there being nothing left to eat in the bandit-ravaged country. MANY FOOD RIOTS Durango city," he said, "you could not get a room for love or money.

The city has a normal population of about $5,000, but today it must have double that number. There ware eight or ten food riots in the week that I. was there. The rioters were savage in their desperation, and the women were the worst. I do not Know man in Mexico who can handle the situation, but it is certain that the people will flock to the, standard Any revolutionists who show strength and capital.

The feeling against the Americans running very high and has been tremendously increased by the Parral theident, The Durango olty papers published lurid accounts of what had happened. They said the 'gringoes' I murdered 600 women and children, Your Tonic for Spring should do these things -clear away waste: dispel inflammation; invigorate the bodily processes. After a hard winter you blood may be clogged, your digestion not up to the mark, and stagnant areas (catarrh) exist in the membranes of the stomach, The result is a tired celing, irregular appetite and loss enerly. Peruna Invigorates your body, helps to soothe all inflammation, restores appetite to a healthy and clears away all waste. Ant seal good in conditions like indigestion.

of grip, convalescence, You may confident that to What le evidence Olde MEXICAN CRISIS TO BE MET BY CABINET EARLY IN WEEK Scott's Report Expected to Accentuate Rumors of Serious Situation Across Border and Call for Decisive Action by President's Advisers WASHINGTON, April -A decialon to whether American troops will be withdrawn from Mexico may be reached by President Wilson and his Cabinent Tuesday. This was indicated tonight when it: was reported from San Antonio that Major-General Scott, sent by Secretary Baker to investigate the military problems confronted, by be in Washington in 'time for his General Funston and his men might report to be -laid before the regular meeting of the Cabinet off that date. Secretary Baker declined to discuss the probable meaning of General Scott's decision to hasten back to the capital without extending his quest for information beyond conferences with General Futiston and, his officers at department headquarters: Officials have consistenly refused to say anything whatever the problems under consideration since the request for the withdrawal of the troops came from General Carranza. MAY ASK MORE TROOPS It is known, however, from border advices 1 that General Funston feels that he can not farther with the pursuit of Villa than he already has gone unless he is heavily reinforced and his hands freed to some extent at least in dealing with problems of supply and information beyond the border. General Scott's decision to return at once generally was taken to mean that he had reached the same conclusion and would 80 report to Secretary Baker.

In this connection it is recalled that President Wilson spoifically rejected plans for a more extensive movement in pursuit of Villa mapped out by the general staff immediately after the Columbus raid. The scope of those plans never has been revealed, but it generally is understood that they contemplated a virtual military occupation of all that part of Northern Mexico in which the bandits Big Mining Deal Is Closed Up at Yreka Placer Ground Is Sold to Boston Man for $60,000 YREKA, April $60,000 mining deal was 'closed here today and $10,000 in cash was paid to close the transaction. Martin Andrews and George Milne of Scott Bar, on the Klamath, sold 153 acres of placer ground to Barber of Boston. The old owners two giants at work on the ground. The new owner will set up two more giants at ones.

The conditions the sate are that Barber shall make a $10,000 payment every three months. but had fed like cowards when the Mexican soldiers attacked them. These stories are explicitly believed by the peons and 'have caused a situation which is making it very dangerous for an American to remain in the interior. I have come out after spending fifteen years there, and I know others who have spent twice that time in Mexico who are leaving, too." Reports reached here tonight that serious rioting had broken out in Mexico City. These reports came from Mexican sources, and were, as usual, impossible to confirm.

ARMY AEROPLANES BURNED AS JUNK Military Flyers Returning to Border to Secure New Biplanes of the eight aeroplanes which have been used by the expeditionary Ayers In Mexico have been destroyed as worthless junk, it was learned here tonight. Two of the planes flown here earlier in the week are now undergoing repairs. With the halt in feld operations it was determined that none of the planes remaining in Mexico could be nown and all were burned. Captain B. D.

Foulois, commanding the frat aero squadron, and his entire command are now on their way here from the field in motor cars to supervise, equip and prepare planes for service in the high altitudes of Mexico. American troops -in the Held are utilizing their time during the 'haft in operations, in strengthening their. positions, detachments being concentrated at strategio points. The line of communication, extendthinly south of the border, also is being strengthened by the dispatch of additional forces from Columbus, A detachment of negro infantry going forward today. General Pershing's army continued Inactive, and quiet was reported all.

along the American line. The expeditionary commander, with his staff, has established headquarters at Namiquipa, that he may be in close communication with General Scott and General Frederick Funston in San Antonio. Messages from some of the advanced expeditionary columns were sent Pershing today over the 'alexican -telegraph lines to. Juarez, from there to Columbus being and from here to Namiquipa by Army wireless, thus traveling almost in circle. The contents of these dis- AMBULANCE CORPS WINS HIGH PRAISE PARIS, April 22-The chief officers at the fighting front have given ble recognition to the American sanitary transport section, known as the Harjes formation, by the issuance of a formal citation in army orders, reading: organization assured, during the period of eleven days, fighting, from the 8th to the 19th of March, with absolute disregard of danger, the transportation of wounded in a zone particularly swept by enemy exhibited artillery.

Moreover, all its personnel proof of remarkable devotion and durance in maintaining throughout nineteen hours daily, a maximum service from this unit." The section comprises about thirty automobiles, with American volunteer workers. During the heavy fighting, several of their cars were struck by splinters of shells, but no casualties resulted. SALMON FEAST IS POSTPONED PROSSER April much-heralded salmon. feast of. the Yakima Indians, which was to have been held at Prosser dam today, was postponed because the salmon are not yet running here, A lone Indian 1s here, waiting and watching the salmon to commence running, and he will report to his tribe.

O' CONNOR, MOFFATT CO. Tomorrow--Our Long Expected Sale of Dresses Over 350 splendid dresses for afternoon, for evening, for full dress and a limited lot for morning and business wear, reduced to two great sale groups. There Are Over 200 Dresses of Taffeta and shimmering Summer Georgette Crepe; silks--some in other, combinations a a a some in Crepe de Chine. Wide variety of new 96 Evening Dresses and Dancing Frocksfrom much higher prices styles and 'Spring coloring. All reduced Exquisite, soft lacy effects of Net, Chiffon and Lace over rich Silks, in all the delicate $14.75 evening shades--dresses in every way suitable for the after Easter festive season.

All reduced from very much higher prices to About 50 Morning and Business Frocks of Serge and Taffeta combinations; many with white crepe bright frocks. All color. collars; Also reduced some about from 25 with much pretty little higher little touches prices evening of to $7.85 During this sale no garments will be Special Notice accepted for return, exchange or credit. After Easter Sale of Suits Over 600 handsome new Spring Suits in a complete. range of fashionable colors, black and white checks, colored checks, mannish hair-line After Easter Sale Price.

group. higher prices Sport Included where styles also are sizes and or nearly sport 150 assortments colors--in new Suits this were reduced special incomplete. from sale $25. Silk Suits Post St. near Kearny Beautiful high priced Silk Suits with elaborate novelty trimming, in the very latest effects of the season Kearny St.

Reduced to $49.50 Entrance GERMANS ORDERED OUT OF PORTUGAL Order Does Not Apply to Men of Military Age, Who Will Be Interned April 22-As a result of the entrance of Portugal Into the Germans in that country have been notified to depart within five days, Lisbon dispatch to the Tempe says. This. order applies to all Germans except men of military age and ftness, who are to be interned on Terclera island, one of the Azores, where a state of siege has been declared. All commercial transactions with Germans, the Temps says, are declared void and treatien are abrogated. The property of German subjects is being sequestered; and all further tion of German ownership in Industries la suspended.

WASHINGTON, April ports reaching the publis health serv. Ice today say that. typhus in Toklo is Increasing and that 110 cases were reported within nineteen days prior to the report. Theater Demonstration in a Patriotic. Audience Stands Up and Cheers Submarine Issue Film WASHINGTON, April 23- -President Wilson Joined in a patriotie demonstration on the submarine leave aura vaudeville programme a the ater here tonight.

Soon after the President entered box moving pictures showing going to the him, to deliver him submarine mensage to Congress were thrown on the screen. The entire audience stood and cheered while the orchestra played the "Star-Spangled Banner." The President bowed his acknowl. edgment. Later he Joined in applauding pictures showing the American troops in Mexico. B.

J. ARNOLD ON NAVY BOARD WASHINGTON, April -Secretary Daniels announced today that Bion Arnold had been elected to represent the American. Society of Aeronautic Engineers on the Navy Consuiting succeeding Henry A. Wise Wood, who resigned because he was not in sympathy with the Secretary's bullding plan. FRANK IS HELD FOR KILLING GOLDSTEIN Coroner's Jury Finds Bartender is Slayer- -Unfriendliness Is Admitted Special Dispatch to a NAPA, April 22.

-An a result of an Investigation today at an inugest by Coroner Eugene Webber, Distriet Attorney N. F. Coombs and Sheriff Ed Kelton, Into the shooting of Morris Goldstein, a San: Francisco Jewelry salesman, by Sal Frank, bartender of San Francinco, late last night, the Jary tHis evening rendered a verdict that the "deceased caine to his death from gunshot wound inflicted by Sol Harry Miller, Taidor Phillips and Samuel Dinney were In the Goldsteln party, which drove over to Hack Goldberg a "Rosedale summer resort from Sonoma county Friday afternoon, were present at the quarrel. Frank admitted that he and Goldstein had been unfriendly 167 Per Cent of Oregon Voters Are Republican 54,250 Democrats Are Registered, might seek refuge. A big army would have been, required, and the whole territory would have been swept thoroughly, so that no Villa follower could escape.

FEARED TO INCITE WAR The Administration felt, ft has been reported that, any such movement as this WaR 'certain to lead to of opposition to the smaller punitive war with Mexico. The development expedition in held by Administration officials to have borne out this view. This opposition, they point out, has developed, despite A formal announce ment by the President himself that the sole object the capture of and that the sovereignty of Mexico would not be imperiled. There to believe that the Administration has changed Its viewpoint. General mends that the en expedition either freed of the restraints imposed by Its friendly nature and largely reinforced or withdrawn entirely, there seems little that the latter course will be followed.

CARRANZA CURRENCY DROPS Military officials on the border apparently take the same view of the probabilities of the situation. They already have estimated, according to press dispatches, that General Pershing's men could be brought out in ten days without being exposed to serious danger of attack en route, Secretary Baker gave out no dispatches from the border today. Only routine matters were reported. The State Department also was without advices A8 to the military situation, although it received confirmation of the fact that Carranza currency had dropped in value in Mexico City to 2 cents on the dollar. Officials said the financial outlook of the de facto' government appeared to be increasingly gloomy.

Judgment Is Found Against Dead Man Deceased Fails to Appear and Plaintiff Wins Lawsuit Special Dispatch to The Chronicle. SAN JOSE, April was found against a dead man in the Superior Court here today. In order to secure him title to property in Palo Alto, which had been deeded to him by Domenci Giullo, deceased, Remigio Bernardini had to bring suit today against the dead man. Giulio, not long before his death in Italy, deeded the property to Bernardini. When the deed was presented here it was declared to be insufficient.

So Bernardini had to file suit to quiet title to the land. The report was sol-, emnly made that Giulio failed to appear to contest the action, and it was decided in favor of the plaintiff, WAGE INCREASE GRANTED JOHNSTOWN April 22. A general increase of wages has been announced by the Cambria Steel Company here, effective May 1st. The Increase to laborers averages two cents an hour, while other advances are greater, depending upon the present earnings of the men. but Only 1109 Progressives SALEM April The latest report on registration In Oregon, lasued by Secretary of State Ofcott: today, shows chat the Republican, party claims 146,000 of the 117,779 voters registered.

or 61.04 per The Democrats have 54,251, or 34.91 per The remainder of the 1169, registrar Protion gives the Progressives hibitionists 6134. Socialists 4900, and miscellaneous 6326. GOVERNORS SELECT SALT LAKE BALEM (Or.) April Withycombe, secretary of the Western toGovernors Conference, announced day that it has been definitely decided to hold the conference this year Salt Lake immediately prior to the meeting of the National Governors In that city: The will Conference probably be in the last- week of June. for some time as result of some' Lewis, formerly of San previous misunderstanding. Dr.

Ettrick Francisco, told the Jury of the resulta of the autopsy. "Eppo" Petticoats ad Floor O' CONNOR, MOFFATT CO. Perfumes and Drug Sundries And Now Home Sewing Week Again The beautiful Easter Season is over, and we must now plan in a practical way Summer Wardrobes for the family. Our familiar Home Sewing Maid has a real price message for you this week. Special Values in Materials for Summer Wardrobe and Practical Wear Our many customers will wecome with delight these splendid selling events each month, for they are sure to find the most practical materials at prices which are usually lower than regular and are always very special values.

A Stirring Sales Event for This Entire Week Summer Tub Fabrics Dress Goods Specials collection of beautiful materials suitable for Regular $1.00 Fancy Weaves in 44-inchl Wool Sewing summer wear assembled for this Home fabrics. Such desirable colorings as Navy: Tan, dainty Week Sale. 89-inch Tab Suitings for children's playtime Gold, Brass, Chartreuse, Reseda, Gray; dresses and ladies' wear. Comes in stripes, able for dresses for both women and children. Blue, Brown, Tans, Pinks and combinations of per checks and such plain colors as Navy, Light Home Sewing Week Price, Black and Home Sewing Week Special, per 15c Regular $1.50 and $2.00 An- Wool Suitings-50 to Volles and Handkerchief Linens, 32, 36 and 40 54 inches wide; shown in Tan and Gray Beige inches wide; stripes, small coin spots and floral mixtures and plain Navys, Copenhagen, Tans patterns in good colorings.

Home apd Greens. Home Sewing De 86-Inch Sewing Week Gabardines Special, and per Eponge yard. Come in plain Special, per Week. $1.00 Tans, Navies, Burgundies, Brown and Gray, for ing skirts Week and Special, dresses. per Home Sew- 23c Two Silk Dept.

Specials 86-inch White Long Cloth-12 yards to piece, in two lengths. Home Sew- $1.35 at $1.50 Week Special, per 49-Inch Fine White Nainsook-12-yard pieces in two 85-Inch Chiffon Taffetas- -Special Home Sewing Week Purchase lengths. Home Sewing Week! 'Special, per of extra Quality in all the following shades: Alice, Linens and Towels hagen, Hague, African Brown, Castor, Friar Brown, Emer17-Inch Blenched Crash with Red Border, for rofter and dish 10c ald, Myrtle, Olive, Wine, Plum, Champagne, Reseda, Cream, Ciel, towels. Home Sewing Week Special, per. Rose, Lavender, Corn and Turquoise.

This is an extraordinary 20x40-Inch Fine Huck Towels -All white and hemmed. Limited 25c market, at, per number of 50 dozen. Home Sewing Week' Special, offering, considering the condition of the silk $1.50 Bleached regular Bath size. Towels- Home -Good Sewing Week absorbent Special, quality; all dozen, white: $2.70 70-Inch Mercerized Table Damask--Assorted patterns. Home 50c 86-Inch White Corduroy--An ideal material for Sport Skirts and Sewing Week Special, Suits and for general summer wear.

An per tional value at, per yard. 24-inch Napkins to match, $1.25 excep- $1.50 One Ladies' Home Journal Pattern FREE With Every Length of Material Puchased During Home Sewing' Week. Lace and Flouncing Specials Specials in Drapery Fabrics 7 1000 Yards of Fine Organdie and Cretennes-25. beautiful patterns Swiss Embroidered Flouncings in a large variety of colorings --27 inches wide; values up to suitable for draperies for every $1.25. Sewing 69c room.

There are pinks, blues, Week Special, per yellows and dark verdures. 1000 Dosen Valenciennes Laces Some designs; others. Both double thread and diamond mesh: edgings and insertions, 1 Inch to inches wide. Values up to $1.00 per dozen dozen yards. yards.

Home Sewing Week Special, per 50c Ribbons- -Two Sewing Week Specials of Great Worth 85e Dresden Ribbon in dainty light colorings, small and dainty. Home Sewing per Week Special, 25c Cream Madras, with soft yellow or blue flower designs -very dainty for bedroom drapes. Special, per Mercerized Marquisetteshades of cream and ecru. Special, per Marquisette Curtains, with Cream and Ecru. Home Special, per inches Special, wide.

per Home Sewing Week 25c and Inch Persian and Dresden Ribbons Persians are dark tones, the Dresdens light, and come in both stripes and Oriental patterns. Regular 75c and 85c Home Sewing Week Special, per 59c Note -All ribbons are tied tree at our Ribbon Counter: when wiring is required a slight charge is made. Art Needlework Dept. Offers Specials Home Sewing week will be made more attractive -by Specials in Stamped Goods from this department. Smay era good Turkish patterns.

Towels Home -Suitable Sewing for Week guests, face Special, or each, baby's use. Stamped in sev- 15c Pure muftins Linen and Toast potatoes. Napkins Home -Stamped Sewing in Week crossstitch Special, designs, each. for toast, hot rolls, Large tubing. Size Home Pillow Sewing Cases Week Stamped Special, in many per excellent patterns on the best pillow 65c Children's Sumbonnets- -Ready-to-wear and stamped to embroider.

Made of pink and blue checked ginghams, trimmed in plain Week Special, colors. Home Sewing 25c Post St. near Kearny The ored same in trimming. white with col- 40c. Table Covers Stamped in cross(stitch design and dnished with tapes to Sewing tie to Week the table.

Home Kearny St. Entrance Sale of Millinery Home Sewing Week 30cl splendid curtain material, in Home Sewing Week 25cl two-inch silk Hematitched hem. Sewing Week $1.25 Notions Bust Forms, sizes 32 to 42. Home Sewing Week Special $1.15 Regular $4.50 Dress Forms, collapalble skirt, sizes 32 to 42. Home Sew.

ins Week Special, each. $3.50 $8.50 4 Section Dress Forms at $6.86 $16.50 16 Section Dress Forms at $14.50 $18.00 20 Section Dress Forms at $16.00 $20.00 28 Section Dress Forms at $17.50 50c Guaranteed Garment Shields, Nos, 4, 5....... Odd lots and broken sizes of Sew-On and Shields Garment Price Four-Hole Fine White Pearl Buttons, 16 to 22 line and two hole in 20 to 24 line. Special, Per Two-Hole Fish Eye Pearl Buttons, 24 line. Per Dozen.

:.104 Two-Hole Fish Eye Pearl Buttons, 30 and 36 Per Card of Six 24-Line Self-Shank Pearl Buttons. Per. Dose ...106 30 and 36 Line Self Shank Pearl Buttons, 6 on card. Per Card. 104 Two-Hole Supertue Fish Eye Pearl Buttons, 14 to 20 line.

Per Dos, 106 and Remnants Percaline of Sateen off Men's Shop in Annex.

San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)
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